Safe Harbor is a male quartet and has been in the ministry for 12 years. They have driven coast to coast from Florida to Canada, California to the Carolina's. The group stands on the laws of God. They believe that his blood has covered their sins. They know that they have been forgiven, and by his grace they are allowed to spread his message of salvation through music to a lost and dieing world.Safe Harbor consists of four young men, who in fact have been titled by fans and music legends as some of the most energetic, and talented musicians of all time. They bring humor, emotion, and spirituality into every concert. Not to mention four-part harmony at it's best!
My Interests
Member Since: 3/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Chris Cooper, Johnny Beacham, Chris Whitaker, and Scott Townsend
Record Label: Permanent Records
Type of Label: Indie