Gee, what can I say? I do the best I can - making the most of open doors, etc.
I've had issues with substance abuse and low self-esteem. In the past nasty rumors have been spread concerning myself and a supposed "meth habbit," but I tell you that there was no truth whatsoever in those accusations. At a young age I may or may not have "experimented" with weed and abusive alcoholic behavior, but I have recently come clean and am making a fresh start. No more late night whiskey drenched kitchen for this house.
Let me tell you, I am really enjoying my healthy new lifestyle of moderation. Every day is an adventure of discovery! So what if the floor is always covered in cracker crumbs and underwear? I have been learning to appreciate me for me... beautiful, really.
My Interests
Cheap red wine, Storing liquor, Cute girls, Neighbor John, Drug rehabilitation, Flying, Teaching, Writing poetry, Art, Speech Pathology, Music, Singing, Dancing, Travel, Spanish, Church, Books, Community housing.