Family, Friends, Beats, Chicken, Coffee, Rice, Records, Spaghetti, Pho, Magazines, Extra RAM, Turntables, Needles, More Records, Dirty Fingernails From Diggin, Comedy, Toilet Humor, Weird Stuff, 360, Lasagna, Artsy Fartsy Women, Snails with Death-wishes, Take-charge Women, Women with Jobs, Women with better credit than i have, Your Mom, Your girlfriend's Mom, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Play-Doh.
Shit that bumps
I like movies with a beginning, a middle, and an end(happy ones are optional...unless you pay for em).
The Bible, How to Grill: The Complete Illustrated Book of Barbecue Techniques, Where'd You Get Those?, Sneakers: The Complete Collectors' Guide, Soul on Ice, Behold a Pale Horse, The Unseen Hand, Tao Te Ching, Art of War, 48 Laws of Power, Spraycan Art,Goldmine Record Album Price Guide, aaaaaaaaand Where the Red Ferns Grow. bwahahahaha
moms n pops!