Theatre, movies, anime, computers, music, Japan, LARP, OWBN, Other stuff that I simply can't think of right now
No one, I'm an anti-social hermit.
Tori Amos, NIN, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, most musicals (Rent, Cats, etc) Flogging Molly, anime soundtracks, Kimberley Trip, Poe, Radio Iodine, Linkin Park, classical (think Mozart, Dvorak, etc) Garbage, Evanescence, They Might Be Giants, Afro Celt Sound System, others, but you get the drift
Boondock Saints, Evangelion, Cats, Leon the Professional, Ghost in the Shell, Kenshin, Nightmare Before Christmas, Studio Ghibli flicks, Groundhogs Day, Scrooged, more blah blah blah
Games of Throns, Clash of Kings, Storm of Swords, Feast For Crows (as soon as he finishes it *shakes fist*) Runelords, Chronicles trilogy, Twins Trilogy, most any Dragonlance books, more manga than I care to recount, Assassians trilogy, Harry Potter, Starship Troopers, Stanger in a Strange Land, pretty much Hielien in general, ad infinium