クリス先生 (Kurisu Sensei) profile picture

クリス先生 (Kurisu Sensei)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am one of the biggest dorks in the world! Well, if you count how many times I've been called "dork", I think it would equal to about 54788rff8uffw8er838r90 times. I really don't care what mean things people have to say about me. We're all entitled to our own opinions. But still, I'm more fun than a trampoline if I know you. And if you're a stranger, I'm about as quiet as a rock 'cause my mom told me to never talk to strangers. I am a 29 year old, UK Hardcore DJing, Capoeirista, who watches anime and plays video games and volleyball. I am very capable at adapting to any given scenario and environment. Teacher by day, super-hero by night. I earn money by pimping your mom. Happiness is the ultimate plan I wish to achieve. Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I have too many things on my mind. Things like, places to go, people to meet or how humans can be so stupid. I hate certain things, sometimes to the point where I would love for them to disappear. LA traffic being one of the top things in that category. LA used to be such a cool place to live. I think Brasil is the ideal place for me. I love women...they're my weakness. And yet it's hard for me to talk to them. They scare me. They have cooties. But they're cooties I'm willing to catch. Well, maybe not some cooties. Feel free to AIM me @ CDisDOPE and we can chat about umm...things and ummm....stuff...oh...I'm very good at seeing the future so if you're interested how your life on this earth will progress...you know where to go.

My Interests

Familia, amigos, amigas, jogar CAPOEIRA!!!, ANIME (NARUTO, MACROSS, COWBOY BEBOP, SAMURAI CHAMPLOO, NHK ni youkoso, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), video games...old school Street Fighter II!!!, music...especially UK Hardcore!!!, B Movies, movies, almost anything that is entertaining. Oh...not too big on swimming great distances, I almost drowned in the summer of 2003 in Hawai'i swimming for that damn wall that's connected to the pier on Waikiki bitch. I had to be towed back to shore. Sad, huh? Love Brasil...can't wait to go back in 2006 (it didn't happen). I like to travel a lot, now. I've been to quite a few places...inside and outside the US. So far Hawai'i; Tokyo; Japan; Salvador, Brasil; Paris, Florence and Rome, Italy have been the best places for me. I like to mentally mess with my students' heads. For instance, there was a final being taken and this one person (not naming names) was finished with their test. I took it from *bleep* and *bleep* started talking to a friend. And of course there's NO talking during tests in my class, so what I did was I took a blank scantron and said, "Hey *bleep*, 'you get a zero'" and I ripped up the blank scantron. And of course everyone in the room was quiet after that one. HAHAHAHA!!!

I'd like to meet:

People. Cartoon characters. Your mom. I don't really care who I meet. Just as long as they're not annoying. I prefer meeting people who are intelligent, but at the same time dumb. Mature, at the same time immature. People who are fun to hang out with, without having to spend $100 at a club. Non materialistic people. People who wanna change the world on a grand scale. Cool artists, but not those mellow-dramatic ones...I swear those kind of people are weird. I don't care too much for celebs. It'd be fun to meet girls too. But how often do you really meet someone through an internet site? I mean c'mon, do people really use myspace to meet up with each other. If so, it hasn't worked for me. I'm really diggin' redheads now...ah...the exotic white girl. Hehehe...


I'm really big on UK HARDCORE...actually I LOVE it...you can say whatever you want about it. :P* I also like the Dutch Soccer Hooligan music known as GABBER!!! Diggin' SPEEDCORE and Drum and Bass (DJ Hype, DJ Zinc, DJ SS, MC Skibadee, MC ?). Hip Hop (no radio stuff please...) and House are coo. Trance is like...whatever...well I guess if it has vocals, it ain't so bad. Downtempo is coo...I need to hear more of it. OH...Capoeira music is THE SH*T!!!!!!!! You need to hear 3 berimbaus, and a ladainha being sung.


Dang...I have a lot of favorites...off the top of my head...The Last Samurai
The Warriors: "Can you dig it??????????????????????????"
The LOTR Trilogy: "You cannot wield it. The one ring aaaaanswers to Sauron alone...it haas no other maaaster"

Bloodsport: "I'm Lynn, you Jackson? You look like you Jackson. So that would make you Frank Ducks." "No, no, no, no..it's Dux." "Oh, like put up your dukes, right?"
King of the Kickbyoxers: "I know you...you are the brrrrrotha. I will send you to hell....to...join...your...brrrotha." "I've been there, for ten years!!! AAAAAHHH!!!"
Kickbyoxer: "You bleed like Mylene. Mylene...goooooood f**k."
Dual to the Death: "Thaaaaank you, Abbott."
Drunken Master II "fieiivjvucmpf" (haha..I don't know)
Revenge of the Nerds: "Clap it up everybody and everybody clap your hands. We're lambda lambda lambda and Omega Moo. Now, we've come here on stage tonight to do our show for you."
Sixteen Candles "Dong? *clap clap* Dong? Where is my automobile?" Dong replies: AWW-TOE-MOE-BEEEL?!?!?!"
Four Rooms: "There's a dead body under the bed." "You saw the dead body?!" "Yea..." "Impossible, you've got the ointment on your eyes, so you can't see shit, now GO TO SLEEP!!!." *hangup* *phone rings again* "GO TO SLEEP" "I washed it off." "The menthol?" "Yea, didn't you ever think to do that? *Ted looks bewildered* Get your ass up here and call the police 'cause there's a dead body in my bed. It smells like shit and looks even worse and if you don't help us, my dad is gonna lay you down right next to her, I swear to fucking God!!!" I think that's it but the list can go longer.


Science Channel (Cosmos), History Channel (Modern Marvels, In Search of History), Discovery Channel (Extreme Engineering, Monster House), Animal Planet's "Most Extreme Animals", Xtreme Elimination Challenge (AKA: Takeshi's Castle), Naruto, Tom and Jerry, Powerpuff Girls, South Park, Jamie Kennedy Experiment, and whatever good anime comes out on TV. Everything else on TV is trash...


Arrrghghh...I don't like reading all that much. The only reading I do is the ones required for my classes. I actually like the books that Paul Fleischman writes. I've only read two, "Seedfolks" and "Whirligigs," but they are REALLY good books. He writes more for the teenaged group, but they are books that people of older ages can relate to.


I don't really have any heroes....wait...that one guy who towed me back to shore when I almost died. Thanks a bunch...wherever you are!!!
Oh yea...Super Mario and Kirby are my heroes, too!!!

My Blog

Been lazy to blog, but working hard to inform the people

OK...so it's been a long ass time since I've wrote my last blog.  So, I'll try to get you all caught up on things. *Still working at the same high school.  Scolded a few students for procras...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

Stories from Japan...end of Sep. edition.

     *Sep. 30: Second day of bunkasai (culture festival).  I tried to participate in ALL of the homerooms' activities, but it was pretty impossible because there were too many...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:37:00 PST

school life....life life....capoeira life...all important...all balanced.

     *Sep. 22: After work, went to some other capoeira group's gathering.  There was a live show and some food.  It really wasn't at all what I expected and in my opinion...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:52:00 PST


OK...things have been a little busy and weird out here for me, so I haven't been able to update this thing.  When all you do is go to work without getting any sleep because you're too busy with t...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:32:00 PST

falling behind of real time...

     *Aug 13 (cont..): ...after waking up a bit late, I was invited to go to Lalaport with Yoshi and his mom.  I got ready quickly and met them outside 'cause they had already been...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 12:53:00 PST

more about my 1st summer in Japan

     *Aug. 12th: Woke up.  Got in the car and drove off the ferry.  Sun was shining and the view of Aomori was pretty nice.  Not so many cars on the road since it wa...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:54:00 PST

hella backed up....

*continuation of the trip...again:      *Aug 10 (cont): After fucking around at that one place and being stared at by the locals, we hopped back in the car and made our way towards...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:19:00 PST

Finals week here in Japan and I have nothing to do so...

Continuation of the road trip      *Aug 10th: ...and we're still hanging out in the park and being loud with other people.  Nothing real special to report other than drunk peo...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 12:08:00 PST

laggin on the bloggin cause Im on vacation and gamin

     *Aug 8th (cont. AGAIN): On the ferry, I was so dead tired that I just passed out.  I woke up once 'cause I could hear some laughing, but I woke up too late 'cause Jerome ...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:56:00 PST

...road trip continuation...

     *Aug 8th (cont.): Let's see...where did I leave off from...lemme check my previous blog.  Ah ok...after taking pictures and what not in the first room of the mu...
Posted by ¯ê¹H (Kurisu Sensei) on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 09:07:00 PST