timoska profile picture


Hey Bartender! Whose leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?

About Me

eddie izzard (i like my coffee hot and strong, like i like my women, hot and strong, in a plastic cup). tarantino (enviable personality). gypsy jazz (travelling lifestyle). red wine (2002). korn (bagpipe torture). jackie chan (bendy). tequila (no memories). genesis (pre-collins era). jamiroquai (pre-lamborghini era).
bill bailey (i will not look at tittes for a year). marilyn monroe (27). bjork (and if you complain, once more). ennio morricone (dydi dydi dyy). sigur ros (ooo he is soo sensitive). radiohead (i dont belong here). south park (this is nothing out of the unusual. cows turn themselves inside-out all the time). air (good to breath and listen). jimmy carr (cats have nine lives, which makes them ideal for experimentation).
studio julmahuvi (mina meen perkele avantoon). monty python (confuse a cat, distract a bee). hole in the ice (shrinking experience). piima (thick eatable sour milk). kuopio (the water based connection to miami beach). daft punk (look im a malfunctioning robot). snowboard (my back hurts). dylan moran (i cant swim, i cant drive. i was going to learn to drive but then i thought, what if i crash into a lake).
aurora borealis (strange experience). die soundhaus (strange experience). pasta (palermo calling). deftones (the best breakup music). rye bread. fear and loathing. barcelona (redbull salsa). norwegian blue (cheese mania). sauna (the smoke one if available). beating yourself with a birch in sauna. conan o'brien (hairstyles). photographing (kebabs). straits.
Myspace Contact Tables Lyrics

My Interests

espresso overdoses, habanero chillis, sweating

I'd like to meet:

some of the best BOOKS i know: "beyond the great indoors", "popular music from vittula", "naive super", "chickenhawk", "journey to ixtlan" and "jarhead".


liekki, absoluuttinen nollapiste, yann tiersen


polanski, kieslowski, bunuel, kubrick, kurosawa


south park, oz, sopranos


shopaholic abroad


mom, grandparents, kekkonen

My Blog

holy fucking shit crap!

stop raining god damn! honestly ive heard theres been so many beautiful summers in finland, naturally when i wasnt there, and now its like living in the west part of scotland, jesus! but well, yester...
Posted by timoska on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 11:11:00 PST

the division bell

there is something about living in the middle of savo. its sunday afternoon and i can hear church bells and some local lake boats honking their honky horns. horny boats. har har. im a friendly p...
Posted by timoska on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:38:00 PST

buying things is confusing

last week i felt a bit loose and decided to buy myself a new t-shirt. my "jamiroquai 1994 - stockholm" was actually getting a bit tattered after all these years. now listen this is very important. the...
Posted by timoska on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:11:00 PST


yesterday i felt exactly like 5.6.1995. no I did not invent spanking or anything, but I joined a driving school, only this time it was for motorbicycles...   so there I was sitting with all the o...
Posted by timoska on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:42:00 PST

project 9b11

http://www.timoska.com/ennen1.jpghttp://www.timoska.com/enne n2.jpghttp://www.timoska.com/ennen3.jpg---------- >http://www.timoska.com/bath1.jpghttp://www.timoska.com/bath2 .jpghttp://www.timoska.com/co...
Posted by timoska on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:52:00 PST

arcades in 1983?

  i was talking with my kungfu-mate yesterday (while punching each others) about these old-skool arcade machines. who can remember the good old star wars death star ultra-realistic vector-based s...
Posted by timoska on Wed, 23 May 2007 03:26:00 PST

what if luc besson and adam sandler mated?

  sometimes its impossible to pick a film from rental. you might have developed a skill that you can judge any film by its cover. around 999 times of 1000 this cover criticism is enough to convi...
Posted by timoska on Sun, 20 May 2007 07:24:00 PST

blab blab stuff

hi all you hunchbacks! the reason why i havent been writing any blogs lately is because my life here in kuopio is so unadventurously non-exiting. dont get me wrong, because thats what i wanted, but i ...
Posted by timoska on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:44:00 PST

mad dogs and steep fjelds

and all of sudden i wanted to do some plumbing. i still dont have 8-17 day job so im doing bits and pieces and pretty much streaming through the weeks doing lots of different things. a week ago i cal...
Posted by timoska on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 04:50:00 PST

being mobilized

so today it happened. i bought myself a car. my plan was to survive my life without one, but this was naturally ridiculous. and i have to admit, it does make life a bit easier. of course with 500 eur...
Posted by timoska on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:49:00 PST