whats up guys..the names shannon %D%A
%Dut i have been called alot worst. %D%A
%D%Ai love when girls go out of there way %D%A
%D%Ato talk about me it kind of excites me =] %D%A
%D%A.. but what i love even more is when girls %D%A
%Dont admit to it and they say "ME TALK SHYT? %D%A
%D%A-YEA OK TRU?" when you see me im mostly with %D%A
%D%Aguys because girls start to much drama .. %D%A
%D%Athe only thing bad about that is they lie and %D%A
%D%Ai catch them and then they lie to get outta that lie %D%A
%D%Ato bad i beat you at ur own game %D%A
%D%Athe only person i rele trust besides kellzz is my boy lu i%D%A
%D%Awood trust him with my lifee he knows everything about me%D%A
%D%Amaddd lovee too him %D%A..i have one crew of girls .. you wish you cood run %D%A
%D%Awith my crew but sorry you can't. nicole is my only real%D%A
%D%Agirl theres nothing i wood'nt do for her.. %D%A
%Dut my girls are not the only onez... guess who?%D%A
%D%ASUPRISE! my sister kelly ..i would die for %D%A
%D%Aher ..shes maddd funni and gorgeous..guess it runs in the%D%A
%Damily?;]if you dont like it then KEEP IT MOVIN .... %D%A
%D%Aif u want to meet me add mee or im me on xobabyphat91ox%D%A
%D%A %D%A %D%A
%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A MyGen %D%A Profile Generator %D%A ..........