Art history (especially early 20th century & contemporary art), Graphic Design, music, film, languages (especially French), traveling, Yoga, fashion, magazines (Eg. Print, Communication Arts, diverse fashion mags.), crayons, colored pencils, teddy bears & kittens!test
Easy-going, creative, friendly and fun individuals who enjoy life as much as possible and who can teach me a thing or two (especially about the stock market). Grant, seriously. People with a sense of humor. People who appreciate the arts ( me). Boys who speak French...never mind, I'll just go to Paris, again. ;) People who stand for something or follow their beliefs. Reliable people. We already know how I feel about revoir! People who do what they love. People with goals, dreams and are driven enough to make them happen. In other words...LOSERS & freeloaders stay away (once again...I will stay away from you)! NEEDY & VERY CO-DEPENDANT PEOPLE...I feel sorry for you (true happiness lies within). People who love themselves enough to dress with some fashion sensibility (tacky people...ewwww). People who care for their hair. I still insist on avoiding smelly people and people who whine too much. Ok...anyone left?
Peter Bjorn & John, Hot Chip, Sally Shapiro, Don Juan Dracula, The Smiths, Lo-Fi-Fnk, Cut Copy, Justice, Klaxons, Simian Mobile Disco, The Teenagers, The Faint, The Presets, Her Space Holiday, Stars, Soviet, Ladytron, Au Revoir Simone, Of Montreal, Belle & Sebastian, Candie Payne, Isobel Campbell, Snow Patrol, The New Pornographers, Bright Eyes, Teagan & Sara, The Arcade Fire, Franz Ferdinand, Stereo Total, Nouvelle Vague, Goldfrapp, Pizzicato Five, Cornelius, Air, Gotan Project, Thievery Corporation, Mum, Sigur Ros, Bjork, The Knife, Sugarcubes, The Postal Service, Magnetic Fields, The Dandy Warhols, Death Cab for Cutie, The Rapture, Miss Kitten, Fischerspooner, Brazilian Girls, Daft Punk, Mount Sims, Depeche Mode, Blaqk Audio, The Cure, The Cranes, Siouxie, Jesus & Mary Chain, BRMC, Blonde Redhead, Lush, Adorable, Curve, Cocteau Twins, House of Love, The Raveonettes, Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets, Pixies, Love & Rockets, Adam Ant, Suede, Pulp, Blur, Elastica, Portishead, New Order, Monaco, Kraftwerk, Ben Benassi & the Biz, Moby, Waldorf, Wolfsheim, Radiohead, Interpol, She Wants Revenge, Joy Division, David Bowie, Duran Duran, Devo, Alphaville, Anything Box, Blondie, The Clash, Echo & the Bunnymen, The Housemartins, Erasure, New Order, Gary Numan, Flock of Seagulls, Pet Shop Boys, U2, The Beatles, The Who, The Doors, Soda Stereo, Virus, Manu Chao/Mano Negra, Tony Bennett, Sam Butera, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and so much MORE!!!
Almost everything by David Lynch, Tim Burton, Wes Anderson, Pedro Almodovar...mmm...Pan's Labyrinth, Little Miss Sunshine, Modigliani, Finding Neverland, Kill Bill, Lost in Translation, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, American Beauty, Magnolia, The Dreamers, Gia, Dancer in the Dark, The Royal Tanembaums, The Pillow Book (also like Greenaway), Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Zoolander and much, much more!....
Project Runway...when will it come back on?
French Symbolist (Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Apollinaire), Boris Vian (a great absurdist), Life is Elsewhere by Kundera, Demian by Hesse, Bukowski, almost everything by Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth), The Little Prince, my art books and SO much more!
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn..." -J. Kerouac