Friends that like to chillout and be nerds
Top Movies
Action: Sin City
Anime: Spirited Away/Grave of the Fireflies
Classic: Casablanca
Comedy: Office Space
Documentary: 4 Little Girls
Drama: Crash
Fastasy: Lord of the Rings
Horror: Lost Boys
Romance: The Princess Bride
Sci-Fi: Fifth Element
Westerns: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Right now The Office and My Name is Earl and I really use to like Deadwood, but it kinda dissappointed me. I haven't been that into TV for a while but I built a PVR so now I get to watch it when I feel like it.
Stephen King: The Dark Tower, The Stand, The Shining,
A Song of Ice and Fire, The Infero, Sin City, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Lovecraft, Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, American Gods, The Sandman