seeks ADVENTURE, exploring the unknown, tRaVeL, aRt, clarity w/ an open mind and forgiveness in the heart, french pressed coffee & anyone who greets me with "hello darhling"!
challenge of the physical-emotional-intellectual being, lastly . . . international business and world politics as it's time to wake out of your haze my friends and realize it's flat people, the world's playing field is flat!
Chief Seattle even knew that we are all interconnected and what we do to the web we in-fact do to ourselves.
Anyone who is willing to do WHATEVER it takes to taste their dreams & make them a reality!
oUr worst fear is not that we are inadequate,
OuR deppest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
You playing small doesn't serve the world.
-Nelson MandellaView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I work in the damn industry . . .Johnny Cash still rules my world (thanks dad!)
I am a pandora's box when it comes to music everything from NIN, PiXiES, The Clash, The Cult, Sex Pistols, Flaming Lips, L7, Seven Year Bitch, Violent Femmes, Dead Milkmen, Modest Mouse, to Rob Zombie, Ratt, Slayer, Rage and TOOL. To the subtle rhymes of Michael Franti, Ben Harper, G Love and Jack Johnson. Who could forget "bob"! Love DeVotchKa, Dvorak, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Shiny Toy Guns, The Sounds or Imogen Heap. Peter Bjorn & John, Feist, White Stripes, Cold War Kids, Bright Eyes, even Death Cab for Cutie. Classics like the Rolling Stones. Love Dean Martin & old blue eyes, further more any old time jazz & blues . . . Miles Davis, Muddy Waters, Nat King Cole oh & who can forget Ella or Miss Peggy Lee!
I'm a product of the late 80's early 90's but work for an alternative radio station, so go figure!
I adore 80's flicks . . .
Breakfast Club
Better Off Dead
Say Anything
Some Kind of Wonderful
16 Candles
Pretty in Pink
Mall Rats & Clerks but now we are getting into the 90's.
A Very British Gangster
SLC Punk
Run Lola Run
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
O Brother Where Art Thou?
Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
Clockwork Orange
Rocky Horror Picture Show
An Inconvenient Truth
Fahrenheit 9/11
Bowling for Columbine
Thank You for Smoking
Hotel Rwanda
A Beautiful Mind
It's a Beautiful Life
iNdEpEnDeNt films
Sundance Films
AnD any old black & white foreign films perferably in subtitles namely Blue, White & Red
BBC World News, PBS, Travel Channel, History Channel, NOVA, HGTV, Discovery Channel, & MSNBC
Shows: 'Amazing Race', 'Anthony Bordan's No Reservations', 'Bizzare Foods' 'Planet Earth'
. . .yeah I'm a politics/business/travel/history geek! So you got a problem with that eh boy?
any and ALL . . . with knowledge comes power
Currently reading The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
my pappa and peaceful resistanceOh and Ol' Morshe of course!