The Green and the pink. Figure it out. I also like beer. And Comic Books.
Spider-Man, Kevin Smith, Axl Rose, Jason mewes, Jason Lee, Seth Rogen, Vince Vaughn, Will Farell, Owen Wilson and girls.
RATM, SOAD, G&R, Green Day, Bon Jovi, Bloodhound gang, Redman, Wu-Tang, MSI, Jedi Mind Tricks, Weezer, Ludacris, MC Chris, all cover songs done differently then the originals, and everything done by your mother.
Where do I begin? Oh yeah. SPIDER-MAN 1,2,and 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boo yah!!! Kevin Smith movies,lot of comedy,Judd Apatow Flicks, Quentin Tarantino movies, comic book movies, Robert Rodriguiz, I could go on all day with my favorite movies but who actually reads these things anyway?
I honestly don't watch much tv. Most the shows I like aren't on anymore. When I watch tv it's usually whatevers on VH1, comedy central or Discovery channel. Chappelle's show, Family guy, Robot Chicken, and the only show I watch regularly, HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a nice day By mick foley. Only book you'll ever need to read.
In real life I guess Mr.T. He's all for the kids, gotta help the kids. My real hero's who I strive to someday be like are Spider-Man and Brodie Bruce. Both fictional. Just like me.