Christy profile picture


One is the magic number

My Interests


Pulp Fiction, Stranger Than Fiction, Lost in Translation, Fight Club, The Birdcage, Anchorman, Fifth Element, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, En el Tiempo de las Mariposas, Y Tu Mama Tambien, and I love horror movies, especially cheesy ones!


Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Dexter, House


They're Eyes Were Watching God, Secret Garden, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Everything is Illuminated, anything Anne Rice


First Name-: Christy
Middle Name-: Erin
Nickname-: Chris
Initials-: CED
Name you wish you had-: Betty
What do people normally mistake your name as-: Christine/Christina/Crystal
Birthday-: Jan 8
Birthplace-: Newark
Time of Birth-: afternoon
Heritage-: Scottish/English/Russian
Stereo type-: WASP
Siblings-: none
If so how many and how old-:
How many are half-:
Parents togeter or divorced-: divorced
Get along with them-: yes
Single or taken-: well I'm not married
Happy about it-: yes
Zodiac sign-: Capricorn
Righty or Lefty-: righty
-Your Appearence-
How tall are you-: 5'4"
Wish you were taller-: yep
Eye color-: blue
Eye color you want-: mine
Natural Hair color-: brown
Current Hair color-: brown w/highlights
Short or long hair-: long
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color-: pink
Curly,Straight,Wavy-: wavy
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair-: cut into a pixie cut 5 years ago
Freckles-: lots
Glasses or contacts-: contacts
Do you tan or burn-: both
Do you wear make-up-: yes
Ever had hair extensions-: no
Paint your nails-: occasionally
How do you dress-: however I want
-In the oppistie gender-
What color eyes-: blue or green
What color hair-: anything except blonde
Length of Hair-: short
Taller or Shorter than you-: taller
Shy or Outgoing-: either
Looks or personality-: both are equally important
Sexy or Cute-: see above
Serious or Fun-: fun
Older or Younger than you-: doesn't matter
First thing you notice-: if he's handsome or not
A turn on-: nice hands
A turn off-: being impolite
-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolate-: flowers
Pepsi or Coke-: coke
Rap or Rock-: rock
Pop or Techno-: pop
Guy or Girl-: that depends.....
Jeans or Sweats-: jeans
Relationship or One night stand-: relationship
School or Work-: school. I don't like working
Love or Money-: love
Ketchup or Mustard-: mustard
Movies or Music-: music
Country or City-: country
Sunny or Rainy days-: sunny
Print or Cursive-: my print looks like cursive
Left or Right-: right
Friends or Family-: my close friends are my family
-Have you ever-
Lied-: of course
Stole something-: years ago
Smoked-: yes
Drank-: like every night
Hurt someone close to you-: not on purpose
Broke someones heart-: oh yeah
Had you heart broken-: sort of
Led someone on-: yes
Been led on-: yes
Wondered what was wrong with you-: no
wish you were a prince/princess-: of course
Liked someone-: no. never. what kind of question is that?
Liked someone who was taken-: unfortunately
Liked someone above your league-: yes
Shaved your head-: no
Been in love-: many times
Used chopsticks-: yes
Sang in the mirror to yourself-: not in the mirror
Ran into a door-: I'm clumsy. I run into lots of things
Flower-: dogwood tree blossoms and peonies
Candy-: kit kats
Song-: "One" U2
Band-: Nine Inch Nails
Scent-: coconut
Color-: purple
Movie-: Wizard of Oz
Singer-: Tori Amos
Actor-: Christopher Walken
Actress-: Natalie Portman
Word-: ?
Book-: The Secret Garden
Healthy food-: fruit
Junk food-: ice cream
Website-: ?
Lotion-: anything that smells like coconut
Animal-: birds
Country-: Scotland
State-: Delaware
City-: San Juan Del Cabo, Mexico
House-: rowhomes
-Random-: victorian vintage
Ever cried over someone-: yes
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself-: shyness
Your biggest fear-: being slowly murdered
Do you like flat pop-: absolutely not
Ever been outta state-: yes
Ever been outta country-: yes
Do you think your attractive-: sometimes
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose-: The Little Mermaid
Are you litsening to music-: no
Favorite genere or music-: something I can dance to
Can you do the splits-: not since I was 10
Do you play any sports-: no
Glad I ran outta questions-: yes
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