absurd ideas,spastic dancing, my uncle johnny, forgetting that movies aren't real, corn on the cob,drinking before thinking,thickness,surface discontinuity, family, friends, talking to strangers, making slightly autistic connections in the mind and then assuming that others will understand, not always understanding,exploring cities alone, most hedonistic acts, very big things, tiny things, over-analyzation
did i mention that i met jessica AND ashley simpson in the same night?
Soul music is not the only music that requires a soul.
life is better with lynchian landscapes; and Babel should have won. but what do i know?
dont change that channel because i will be right back with something very witty.
will self's rantings, kafka, naked lunch(otherwise known as 'what the fuck?) all of the non-linear stuff that everyone is sick of...including myself,
your scuffin me