music, art, family and friends, music. "without music, life would be a mistake." - friedrich nietzsche
doesn't matter anymore
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alison krauss and union station (she has the prettiest voice i've ever heard), christmas music, the all-american rejects, jimmy eat world, hillsong united, garth brooks (i have a huge crush on him), massive attack, dandy warhols, old stabbing westward stuff, butch walker, depeche mode, fun 80s music and a ton of others.
almost anything with john cusack in it, anchorman, spinal tap, PCU, baz luhrmann's romeo and juliet, saved!, bobby, splendor in the grass, shag. anything intelligently funny.
the daily show with jon stewart, big love (this show is awesome), scrubs, the office, martha stewart, history channel or learning channel, the colbert report.
america the book, shopaholics 1-3, i thought you would be prettier - true tales of the dorkiest girl alive (thanks mom!), the bible. so don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Todays' troubles is enough for today. matthew 6:34.
my parents - they've been married for 29 years, and they still hold hands. Jesus. my friends and family.