I have alot of intrests, just no time to do anything.
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Just about anything. Depends on the mood I am in. I really enjoy listening to Evensence. They rock.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
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Just about anything that has to do with vampires.
I like scary movies, but haven't been scared in awhile.
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My Flixster
I don't have cable, so I watch CBS.
I love reality shows.
If i'm not working I never miss CSI:
Which Goddess Are You?!? with never before seen pics and goddesses
You are Ishtar! Ishtar is the multilayered Babylonian creator goddess, the source of life and embodiment of the power of nature. She is the giver of plenty, a lawgiver, a judge, the goddess of time as well as the goddess of both love and war. Her name means "giver of light" and derives from her role as queen of heaven. She is the planet Venus as both morning and evening star, and her girdle is the zodiacal belt. Ishtar descends to the underworld and restores the vegetation god, Tammuz, to life and thus restores fertility to earth. As she descends she removes a veil at each gate. While she is underground all life on earth is depressed and nothing comes to life. Ishtar is a multifaceted, powerful symbol of forthright mode of being that is unafraid to venture into the depths of the underworld. She represents the creative feminine, active and strong.
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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
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I have been reading alot on Wicca lately and studing. Michael Romkey is good and Ann Rice. RL Stine books will keep you guessing also. I have been recently studying the wiccan religon and have found several very interesting things. This is something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but I was scared what everyone would think. Since then I have grown up and it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. I am a grown adult. I find this religon very truthful and uplifting.I'm not asking for approval, just don't judge me. I'm also not asking you to join me, so don't ask me to join you. Everyone has their own belives.
Currently my kids. I watch them everyday and it is amazing how much they go through and they are still tough enough to stick their heads up high and forgive everyone. Sometimes we don't realize how much we put our kids through. Bullies at school, divorces, family deaths, family fights, and, what they think is the worst, chores.