A-Frame Entertainment is a production umbrella owned by musical masterminds Scott Clausen and Christopher Lee. A-Frame has been serving up the freshness in many facets of the music and entertainmnet world, including Artist Development, Songwriting and Production, Composition for TV, Film, Videogames and the Internet, Music Licensing, Supervision and publishing, Podcasting, and Television Development.
1/1/08 - A-Frame is proud to announce the formation of Green Machine Music. Green Machine looks to create the model for future creative/environmental synergy through a combination of musical content creation and licensing while giving back to the world that has given us the opportunity to be creators. Every client that hires Green Machine Music will have the opportunity to choose an environmental friendly charity/organization to which we will donate a percentage of our fee for our services. Clients get kick-ass music while giving back to the environment at the same time.