So many to list. Writing--from the heart of God in all of its infinite facets is my biggest hearts desire. I'm an editor and writer. The Lord told me that editing for Him is separating the wheat from the chaff--editing is not just in writing, it is editing strongholds and many of life's situations separating the clean from the unclean and making a dwelling place for Him as the kingdom of darkness is edited out. Deep coffee talk with friends. I believe serving others is a reward in itself and isn't that the way God designed it? I love doing whatever God puts in front of me...I'm always on a new adventure....sometimes the adventures make me laugh and sometimes they make me scream!
Writers, thinkers and coffee-drinkers...and warm, fuzzy, good-hearted people from around the world.
I pretty much like everything uplifting and inspirational. Coldplay, U2, Norah Jones, John Mayor, Sting, Riveras, Todd Agnew, Kim Clement, Casting Crowns, Lenny Kravitz, Rihanna, Jason Upton, Heather Clark, Misty Edwards, Mary J. Kelly Clarkson, Michael Buble, Diana Krall, too many to list. I am not a fan of heavy-metal or hip-hop, just not my style of music.
I loved the Kingdom of Heaven, August Rush, Matrix, Narnia, Napoleon Dynamite is one of my favorite movies...if it's stupid/corney I'm there! I liked pride and predjudice, spiderman, happily ever after, shrek, the sound of music, charlie and the chocolate factory, pirates of the carribean, princess diaries, 50 first dates, 30 going on 13, the wedding singer, Dr. Doolittle, Ace Ventura, and much more.
Heroes, golden girls, american idol, house, antique road show, forensic files, O'Reilly, iron chef, what not to wear.
I am starting to read more historical books in government, leaders and scholars. I like writing what the Lord gives me and pondering revelations amongst friends. I did like Rick Joyners books on the final quest series...again the exciting adventure. I think it's important to have a balance of reading others personal experiences and teachings to be encouraged, as well as hearing God yourself and being your own author.
My heavenly Father, He's my rescuer and protector! All the people God has put in my life as my family; I've learned and leaned much on them. Their relationships are PRICELESS...and these are my true heroes!
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