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We are all sheep

About Me

Main Entry: sheep Pronunciation: 'shEp Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural sheep Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scEap; akin to Old High German scAf sheep 1 a : a timid defenseless creature b : a timid docile person; especially : one easily influenced or led

My Interests

Waiting in lines, waiting for stop lights on highway entrance ramps, following what everyone else is doing, buying 12oz of coffee for $3.79, malls, yeah malls, i really like malls, listening to what ever someone tells me, buying what ever magazines tell me is cool, accepting any price for a gallon of gasoline, going to sporting events, what happened to my GAP, STRIP MALLS, HOME DEPOT, flip house, hello, wake up, accepting this crooked ass government, following the white sheep, money gotta love money, electronics must have the best right, getting my grill done.


What ever the media says is good.


Anything that is in the theater if it is in the theater it must be good.


Realty TV. OMG I love me some Realty TV.


How to lead.


The Sheep Savior. He will lead us into the light and save us from this evil and corrupt government.