Being happy. Working out, staying in shape, fishing, biking, making money, traveling, enjoying life, photography, fitness, cooking/eating, learning to speak different languages and the list goes on.
*********People who are happy, healthy and genuine. I want to find someone who'll treat me like I treat them. People that help me enjoy life, that make life worth living!!*********Your significant other should improve your life, be there for you, be a positive influence, have your back, they should be that one person you can go to and feel comfortable talking about anything. If they aren't helping you feel good about being alive, improving your life, making you happy...whats the point of having them in your life?? ************************************************************ *****************I'm looking for people as crazy AS I AM OR MORE...I love adrenaline...I jumped from the second story...for the rush. ~~~Dan P Friends 4LIFE~~~Whats the point of life without love???~~~ A good girl. ----- SINGLE-----WATCH THIS VIDEO AND OPEN YOUR EYES
Check out my page....I like it all.
Documentary, true story, REAL THINGS...and of course a little action and martial arts/fights. Movies that grab you, for that moment you could get lost and nothing else exists in your mind.
Don't watch much TV. Sometimes the news, the price is right, American videos.
About the world, languages, art, history, war, weapons and tactics, fitness, cooking, photography...there is more. So many interesting things in life.
People who do the right thing when no one is watching...who know they won't get recognized for the sacrifices they make........................................................
.............................For all those who have made a great sacrifice so that we could live our lives as we please... UNITED WE STAND
Hurt Christina Aguilera
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DHT - I Go Crazy