I love to go boating and my new thing is jet skies.I love to jump the waves and turn fast on them,I like to fish,I like to collect my Barbie dollz and I like most of all doing family things.Oh I can't for get dancing and singing.
As I said I love my oldies but,I do like country and alot of the new songs are great.The song that is my all time favorite is Me and Bobby McGee by the great Miss . Janice Joplin.I love the old gosple songs to.
I like most any movies .The ones that make me cry , the kids movies and scary movies too...Movies like The Bone Colector,Pratical Magic the list goes on.
I like most science fiction ,Lost.Charmed,the 400 club,most all movies that fall in this catagory.]
The books i like to read are by Stephen King and Dean koontz.
A Heroe is any one who will stand up for the under dog .Chrildren ,the elderly,and all animals.