About Me
In todays world, theres a desperate need to bring society together. Fortunately, music has always been a tool that has been able to bring different groups of people together. Its simply a universal form of communication. Everyone loves good music, whether its Pop, Rock,
Classic Rock, R&B, Rap, Blues, or Reggae. RANDOM PLAY, has taken on
the challenge and put the musical industry on its back and has vowed
to change what you think, and how you listen to music. Formed, in
the spring of 2003, with the simple philosophy that people enjoy all
genres of music, RANDOM PLAY was born. The core of the band came from
one of Pittsburghs premier reggae bands. But while experiencingtremendous success, there was still something missing...Diversity.Growing up musically meant not limiting yourself and theseindividuals decided that if the saying life imitates art wastrue, it was their duty to bridge the gap between different genresand styles. When it was all said and done, and with the final2 members firmly in place, the snowball effect began to steamroll.RANDOM PLAY has since become Pittsburghs favorite band. Althoughmany attempts have been made to try to categorize this band, notknowing what theyre going to play next has made this virtuallyimpossible. Some say they are a great dance band, others saythey are a great pop/rock band, some say their reggae makes youfeel like youre in Jamaica, while others say they put on an awesomeshow at the blues club. What we say is quite simple... EXPERIENCE THEDIVERSITY