All Art and artists, lazy days laying out on the front of the bow not worrying about anything going just a little too fast, wave-runners, philosophers, white roses, white linen, animals, cooking, eating, I'm easy to please."Grrrr, It's like, where there should be planets and stars, there are purses and shoes..." Collin
Casanova di Federico Fellini, Carla Fracci, Batman, you possibly..."We don't love the people we love because they're perfect...we love the people we love because they are..."
All. Music is the vernacular of the human soul. "Helplessness is a consciousness that takes a certain level of maturity to overcome. I am aware that I take a lot of my ability, time, and influence for granted. I aspire to overcome that." Me
Love stories...ram ..
Anything funny, News, Brothers and Sisters, Sex in the City
The Bible, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, There Should Have Been Castles by Herman Raucher, The Abandoned by Paul Galico, A Child Called It, The Notebook, Love stories in general…
My Grandmother Johnson and Grandpa Rice.