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About Me

As one probably is aware, my name is Victor Samuel Sinow. I am from the most rediculously amazing citiy in the world - San Francisco. ------------As you read the rest of this, please hum the tune of "San Francisco, Open Your Golden Gates."------------ No matter what, I am going to live in the bay area for the rest of my life. I go to college in Boston right now and it has only served to strengthen my love and devotion to SF and the wonderful fog we have the privilege of enduring everyday. In conclusion - fuck yeah foggy city by the bay. I do a lot of stuff, most of it poorly, but I still do it. I am an okay sailor (I know a crap load about the water though - yeah Corsair 22) , an okay tennis player, a mediocre ice hockey star, and a shitty, i repeat (do not ever, I repeat, ever say repeat) shitty, drummer. In fact, the only things that I rock the socks off people in are ping pong, math (yeah, i'm a nerd), and ssb. My skills at ssb are strongly due to the incredible amounts of it I played this summer with nothing else to do at Julian's house. By the way, Ness is a bitch. I love skateboarding. I don't really have time to do it anymore, but I still get out every once in a while. It's hard to give something up that you've done since 6th grade. I went to Brandeis Hillel Day School for k-8th grade and I must say that it was beyond insane. I feel like my class was a guinnea pig, and the administration only suceeded in bleeding the poor animal to death and then throwing its carcass to a bunch of hungry vultures. I did manage to stay brotherly close to 4 people who graduated with me (you can identify them by the monopoly they hold over my comments section), so at least something good came out of it. High school was too short and kicked major ass. Not enough road trips or six packs on the beach for my taste, but hey, what is the rest of life for? Now that I have taken up a significant portion of your life, I end with a ryhme regarding high school graduation years: 01 for the money, 02 for the... wait wait wait... fuck ryhming - '04 fo' LIFE is really all you need to know.

My Blog

Sleep evades me once again

   So... I am sitting on my fire escape and it is 7:58 am. I have not gone to sleep yet, and I honestly don't plan on trying - I have to hand in the assignment, which I have been working all...
Posted by Victor on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 05:40:00 PST

new house

so, i have finally moved into my long awainted Marin home. I am kind of dissapointed that I no longer reside in the glorious city of San Francisco, but as Mick put it so well, "you'll always be a suns...
Posted by Victor on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST