faRiCa profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.....uhMm, mE?! oKei Lng..hehe! one hU cAnt eNd d dAy wiThout a sMile! :) diS iS mAh e-mAiL aDd oN mAh aCcouNt on fRienDstER: farica_olaes@yahoo.com & fartz_jam_04@yahoo.com

My Interests

....having tym w/ my pets oL d tym! Can't live w/o my mobiLe...and my crush' pic!

I'd like to meet:

...0f cOuRse anyone oN d t0p oF dA wORLd wh0 R h0mo sApiEns! aNd of couRse any0Ne wHo R niCe aNd naTuraL...! dA bEtteR if dAt peRs0n is..... nEveR dA MInd dUde! pIz oUt...:)


...rnb types,rock,s0me cLassic types of muzic...and the songs of bLack eyed peas!


...forest gump,horrooooor fiLms Lyk............ "juon 1&2" "the ring" "haunted mansion" & many more!


...iNteResTing story bUks...


t0 aNy1...dA rIs0n y d0 i LivE aRe d Pip0L tHat suRrounDs me wHeneVer d woRld's 2 bAd....tHesE R d pErs0ns i'm tAlkin aBout...((mAh pArenTs,my bR0s and mAh sIstaZ...aNd aLso oL mAh fRiendz oUt deR...)) U guYz R mAh HEROES!!! PeAce oUt!! :)