Surfing, Wakeboarding, Kitesurfing, clubbing, cafees, anything with Graphic Design, Art, Communication etc. I love drawing, and painting, but because of uni-working i rarely get the time.
Mr. T, The Elephant Man, Peter Griffin from Family Guy, Homer and Barney, Hugh Hefner and his female friends, Will Ferell, creators of designer toys. Everyone creative.
Akwid, Saian Super Crew, MC Solaar, IAM, Nacao Zumbi, Mos Def, everything french or spanish rap. N.W.A, Grandmaster Flash, De La Soul, Run DMC etc... and the old-school stuff. Al Green, Barry White, Motown, RnB, Rock music! Everything electronic with a different beat, 80's inspired.
Too many to'll come to me the day i have the time!
O.C, Lost (always lost never know whats going on!!! hate/love relationship to this series), King of Queens, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Peep show, nighty night...
Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), Chuck Palahniuk (Choke), James Clavell (Shogun) The dictionary
My old dog, willy....such a legend!