DJing, Cooking, Dining out, Fashion, Listening to music, Massage, Movies, Photography, Wine and gourmet foods, Soccer, dancing, traveling, rollerblading, skiing/snowboarding. THE MOST INPORTANT THING.... BURNING MAN.... There is so much more but why should I type it all out. Why not just ask me. Supposeably I look like Alan Rickman… What do you think?..
If you laugh then thats good enough for me. Myspace Layouts
Progressive house, tribal house, house, and an rarely tech house, rock, oldies, wait pretty much eveything. I can listen to hip hop if I am in the right mood. (mood = drinking)
I'm a movie whore. I love movies. If you can't get a hold of me it is because I'm probably watching a movie. I can see a movie over and over. I like a lot of ""chick flicks"" but the one movie that I can see time and time again is Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins, that movie is so touching and so inspiring. There are very few movies that I don't like. This is my current movies I have (changes weekly) The Abyss, Adventures in baby sitting, A.I Artificial intelligence, Alddin, A league of their own, Almost famous, Along came a spider, American beauty, American History X, American Wedding Unrated, An American Werewolf in Paris, Animal house, Anaconda(dumb), Antz, As good as it gets, Austin Powers 1, Austin Powers 2, Bad Boys, Bad Boyz 2, The Beach, Bicentennial Man, Big Fish, The Birdcage, Black Hawk Down, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Blow, Blown Away, Bowling for Columbine, The Breakfast Club, Bruce Almighty, The Butterfly Effect, Back to the Future Trilogy, Band of Brothers, Batman Trilogy, Caddyshake II, Can’t buy me love, Catch me if you can, Cast Away, Chorus, Collateral, Courage Under fire, Con Air, Cruel Intentions, Dances with Wolves, The Day After Tomorrow, Dead Poetiets Society, Deep Impact, Deliverance, Desperado, Devils Advocate, Die Another Day 007, Donnie Brasco, Dracula, Dream Catcher, Dumb and Dumber, 8mm, Emperor’s Club, Enemy at the Gate, English Patient, Eternal Sunshine for a Spotless Mind, Fahrenheit 9/11, The Family Man, Fallen, Falling Down, Ferris Bueler’s Day off, A Few Good Men, Fields of Dreams, The Fifth Element, 50 First Dates, Fight Club, Finding Forrester, Finding Nemo, Forest Gump, 40 days and 40 nights, Gangs of New York, The Gods Must be Crazy, Godzilla, Good Morning Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, Goonies, Gorillas in the Mist, The Graduate, The Great Escape, The Green Mile, Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men, God Father Trilogy, Happy Tree Friends volume 1, Happy Tree Friends volume 2, Hannibal, Harry Potter 1, Harry Potter 2, Harry Potter 3, Heat, Heart in Atlantis, Hook, House of Sand and Fog, Identity, I am Sam, Igby goes down, Insomnia, Interview with a Vampire, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Jerry Maguire, John Q, Jumanji, The Ladies Man, The Last of the Mohicans, The Last Samurai, The Lion King, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Love Actually, Magnolia, The Manchurian Candidate, Mary Poppins, Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolution, Meet Joe Black, Memento, Message in a bottle, The Mexican, Men In Black II, Michael, Minority Report, Moulin Rouge, Mothman Prophecies, Mulan, Murder by numbers, Nightmare before Christmas, The Notebook, The Nutty Professor, Nip Tuck season 1, Oceans Eleven, Office Space, Old School, One Hour Photo, Others, Outbreak, Patch Adams, Pay It Forward, Pearl Harbor, Perfect Storm, Philadelphia, Phenomenon, Phone Booth, Pianist, Pirates of the Caribbean, Porky’s, Postman, The Program, The Professional, Pulp Fiction, Punch Drunk Love, Queer as folk season 1, Queer as folk season 2, Queer as folk season 3, Rain Man, Ray, Red Dragon, Remember the titans, Road to Perdition, Robin Williams live at Broadway, Rounders, Say Anything, Scarface, Schindlers list, Seabiscuit, Seven, Scent of a woman, Shawshank Redemption (MISSING), Shrek, Shrek 2, Signs, The Silence of the lambs, The sixth sense, Snatch, Spider Man 2, Spies like us, Stand by me, Star wars the Phantom Menace, Star Wars Attack of the clones, Striking Distance, Super Troopers, Sweet November, Swordfish, Tears of the Sun, Terminal, The Thomas Crown Affair, Tombstone, Traffic, Training Day, The Truman Show, Usual Suspects, Van Wilder Blockbuster and Original, National Lampoons Vacation, National Lampoons Vegas Vacation, Vanilla Sky, Weird Science, What about Bob, What Dreams may come, When Harry met Sally, Who framed Roger Rabbit, Wild things, Will and Grace season 1, Will and Grace season 2, X-Men 1.5, X-Men 2, Young Guns, Young Guns 2, You Got Mail. Everytime I go to the movie store I buy like 2-8 movies at a time. Some poeple could say I have a little addiction but hey why not. I'm a little none profit blockbusters is how I see myself. I have it here for the students that dont have money to rent a movie. My collection has grown since this, I`m just to lazy to update it. And being Japan kind of kills my movie buying time.
Fragile Rock, Smurfs, Ghost Busters, Snorks, Punky Brewster (she beautiful NOW), Sesame Street, Paddington Bear oh and I can’t forget Winnie the Pooh. See you always have to go back to the classics. Since I don’t really watch TV now that’s all I have to go off of.
Highlights. Ya I know its not a book but its a damn good mag. You know you love it too. I'm just man enough to say it.
Heroes is a hard one, I can say everyone and anyone that has every stood up for what they truly believed in. If you want to know about a specific person then I would have to say Ms. Ryland Minor at Crater High School in Central Point Oregon. She helped me in ways that no one ever could. She showed me that I didn't have to be this quiet person; I needed to voice out my true feelings. She was the person that opened a door that I never knew existed. Thank you Ms Minor.