The Rhumba
Either of these two:
Henry Mancini was genuis!
Current Ear Worm:
Rock You Like a Hurricane, Scorpions
There's so many good ones, here's a few that come to mind:
Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Bicycle Thief
Double Idemnity
Stranger than Paradise
Requiem for a Dream
The Straight Story
Lost in Translation
The Ice Storm
Animal Crackers
Bonnie & Clyde
Raiders of the Lost Ark
anything by Werner Herzog
Last watched:
And, of course, Battlestar Galactica
I read quite a bit so here is a list of ones I have reread or plan to to reread in the near future:
The Castle, Kafka
Sputnik Sweetheart, Murakami
Lolita, Nabokov
The Big Sleep, Chandler
Naked Lunch, Burroughs
The Name of the Rose, Eco
Cat and Mouse, Grass
Treasure Island, Stevenson
Red Cavalry, Babel
Dubliners, Joyce
Tropic of Cancer, Miller
Demian, Hesse
Down and Out in Paris and London, Orwell
The Dark Knight Returns, Miller
Currently Reading:
Tristram Shandy, Sterne
Batman and Pedro (not the character from Napolean Dynamite, but the guy spreading the word about Communism, Seattle Police, The Devil, and The Frye Apartments)