Hmmmm ...... Things I like doing the most are:Going out for a piss up with my friends thats always a laugh, Watching mighty boosh (Vince and howard are legendary characters),Dancing- i love to dance!, spending time with my one and only sexy beast(robeir), going home to see my friends and family!!!
The person I'd like to meet is Angelina Jolie shes my fave actress. plus shes fit!!!! Also i like Jennifer Aniston even if she is at rival with Angelina.
I like loads of types of music but mainly Emo, Rock & R'n'b...
Nothing beats troy!!! I love it!! I also like mission impossible, team america,dude wheres my car?, road trip, american pies, enough, dirty dancing ! woo! (nobody puts baby in the corner!),Ice age, x-men, madagascar, mean girls, stigmata and charlie and the chocolate factory
theres loads hehe!!! corrie st, eastenders, emmerdale, holly oaks, paul o grady (hes ace!), O.C, sponge bob, ship wrecked, friends, will and grace, big brother, LEE EVANS!!! hes a legend!!, phoenix nights, simpsons, lost,my wife and kids, only fools an horses, deal or no deal, haunted live, family guy. at last but not least 'THE MIGHTY BOOSH!!"
This image is from ProfileJuice
I dont read much but the best book I've read is Journey by Danielle steel! other than that i just read girl mags...ok!, closer.. etc
My hero is Betty Boop!!!