delaney profile picture


someday our ocean will find its shore

About Me

i like spinach

My Interests

reciprocity, suprises, found objects. old skills that are regaining validity in this modern world.. for example sewing, crochet, quilting...

I'd like to meet:

the guy who invented zippers


I like to listen to nick drake in the mornings, david bowie before work, and lou reed on road trips. I also find that listening to the chipmunks on a record player while turning the record manually at a slower speed than usual proves that they sound like the wiggles.


i'm usually disappointed when I pay 6.50 to see a movie at the theater so I wait until my friend rents it four months later and return it for her. However, this trade system rarely works because I'm horrible at returning movies.


I bought a projection TV from my friends when they moved. Its really cool because you can cover up the blue and the red lights and everything is green and so on with the other two colors.


I always read a book front to back except for when I read the last line first. Most of my book collection is art related and about 1/11th of them are textbooks. I'm also horrible at returning books to the library and the ladies at the public library downtown give me the evil eye.


my parents. crazy. oh and that jesus character had some good ideas.

My Blog

christmas cheer

in midst of the crazy consumerism, my mother and i found new meaning in kitchen appliances.first the photobooth toaster.. looking like a crazy lady was never this easy!i loved when the warps hit her j...
Posted by delaney on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:01:00 PST

desktop publishing

with all these filters and effects these days, anyone can sit down at a computer and be a graphic designer. the difference is the digging, the little voice in your head that notices, records, evaluate...
Posted by delaney on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 10:28:00 PST

why go to college?

why go to college when you can get a job with this guy?(found on when searching gulfport/biloxi area)It's a real job, not a scam.I've lived on the Mississippi coast and found the women ...
Posted by delaney on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:06:00 PST