No More Holdin Back profile picture

No More Holdin Back

Heh....i fell helped me im on my feet because of you... [chappy was here XD

About Me

† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † I edited my profile at
Christian Myspaceyo my name is romy and i go 2 laces....if you think i should add smethn about you here tell me....
CUT short here~ well so i didnt put a date when i first wrote this T-T stupid me but yeah so this is just the small attach ment cus it bothered me that this didnt have a date on it~Alrighty this is gona be long(not really) and pointless but hey who even reads these thingies? XDD ok~! so who am i? well im chappy~ and i know romy fer liek what 6 or 7 years now? (no im not gona count)haha romy we know each other for too long =____=+ XDD but we're cool like that~ and besides it's fun to mess around and punch u once in a while right? HAHA~ anyways~ shooo are u? haveing fun and all? btw u know...what did i write on ur compostion book? i need to copy taht stuff onto here~ then it would be like 50000 pages and no one would want to read or scrool all the way down to the bottem JUST to comment u~ haha man that would be a site to see~ haha well yea u've been there for me and today u found my math book~ AHSAH~! love ya~ and of course u know i would do that fer u...or would i? anyways~ why is there like 1 million q's on here? anyways~ its so fun tricking u...ur face expressions are soo funny XDDD btw...i love how u sometimes are dence *cough fergeting ur backpack cough* i mean we got school first thing should be that~ anyways ur cool so its all good hahah~ NYAAA~~ shooo case u ppl didnt notice i made like fabillion amount of grammer and spelling mistakes~ and nyo im not fixing them...thats just my i feel like this ish uber short~ glad we got math together~ but u need to have more classes wif me...and start memorizing my scedual cus it seems like im ur like personal stalker if i know ur classes and ur too dence to remember mine...-____- but u know ur getting the hang of it...even though its like the end of the year u finally got liek 3 classes down~ hurry up and u want to take Ap history? and u cant memorize a measly secdual oh well im a hope ur good at memorizing history or something ;/ yeah u know im like ASIANIZING you even though im only half korean i have my half asian pride here~ but i started off by giving u chocopies and now u love them which is good now only u need to learn korean so this is why i put a korean song on ur profile ^^ haha oh gee i just relized there istn enough of these: w u know those little faces or thingies so yeah T0T~ im sorry i'll add more to u on aim or sumthing haah~oh and like stop walking weridly!!! u either walk too FAST or too SLOW~!!!! make up ur mind or go NORMAL~!!! is that too hard to ask?( yea it is XDD there is no normal) yep~ SUGAR RUSHES~! are so funn...especially when u join me wif ur chocolate~ ;D weeeeeeeeehhhhh~! alrighty its late so i better get off before i get yelled at by parents~ i might add more later XDD yeppp alrighty BAI~!!!p.s. this feels really short...;/ and thanks for finally giving me back my composition book that u stole(jk) haha~ok now for real BAI BAI~! ♥

My Interests

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


Yo quiero vivir para ti... estar contigo, caminar contigo..y nunca dejarte... yo quiero amarte y no me voy a alejar.. Que problemas que me dio la adversidad.. hoy entiendo que contigo voy a estar.. Mi amor por ti nunca se va gotar y contigo yo quiero estar Porque me siento lejos si a tu lado siempre e estado sera mi forma de ser o mi pasado.. sera el dia de ayer pero no puedo entender porque me siento solo en esta amanecer.. no entiendo la razon de esta soledad... si siempre te e amado es la verdad... te e dado lo mejor aunque no me creas.. juntos emos luchado contra la marea.. te pido que vuelvas a mi corazon e que nuca te alejes de mi por ninguna razon... eres todo la que tengo, mi bendition, hoy te pido que escuches esta oracion... Yo te nesesito..tu me haces falta.. en esta soledad mi alma se quebranta...eres m excistir... eres mi pensamiento al no tener te me siento muerto.. Siempre has estado a mi lado.. hasta cuando me siento solo nunca me has dejado... mas el tiempo ha llegado.. me manteniste cerca quando yo estaba allejado.. ahora doy gracias porque con el tiempo y te e encontrado... yo ya no vivo del pasado.. porque peronaste mis pecados... yo se que de ti vivo acompanado.. vivo agradecido mas de ti yo vivo enamorado... hoy te doy gloria y que tu nombre siempre sera exaltado.. sabes que a tratado y donde quiera que me paro y que en mi vida nadie ma ha amado como tu me has amado. quiero ser te fiel y por siempre sigo mi llamado y voy diredto a levantar todo quebrantado... para mi y mi vida eres mi sustento.. siempre estas a tiempo y a mi vida das aliento tu mejor que nadie conoces mis sentimientos recibe con mi vida mi agradecimiento... -Vivir Para Ti


Well not alot of movies...since i have