I LoVe...*DaNCiNG DaNCiNG DaNCiN__
_anything with a SpLasH of aDVeNTuRe__and of course the typical stuff__hanging out with friends n my english bulldog__going clubbing__watching movies__going to the mall and shopping__just lounging around__beaches__traveling__sight seeing__sleeping__eating seafood and sushi___playing poker__texas hold 'em__blackjack__craps__las vegas__casinos__dealing poker games__directing poker tournaments__being around fun loving people!!! * .. .. .. ....
I LIKE TO BRING ALL THE PARTY PEOPLE TOGETHER!!! so ladies 'n fellas that like to go out and have a good time clubbin' n dancin' hit me up, and lets "shake what cha mamma gave ya". I also deal poker games, direct poker tournaments (home games and private events), and host casino nights so anyone looking for dealers for their games, interested in hosting a poker tournament or a casino night (roulette, craps, blackjack, poker), for all your casino night needs i'm here. On a more serious note i'd like to meet people who are genuine sweethearts, people who are REAL (IM TIRED OF THE FAKE-NESS aka POSERS!!!). I like to meet people who have a good head on their shoulders, respectable and knows how to have a good time!...old friends, new friends
* "B00ty SHaKiN' MuSiC" *
* no time for pleasure reading...but i guess med school books for now *
* "THoSe WHo STriVe FoR GReaTeR SuCCeSS_NeVeR GiVeS uP_'n SuCCeeDs!""A guy who would do this because HE wants to not because i told him to!!!"