Music, Jazz, Art, Sex, Cats, Food, Booze, Buds!
Satan, Leatherface, and The Dude
Lord Of The Rings, Goodfellas, Scarface, Fast times At Ridgemont High, Ocean's Eleven(new and old), The Maltese Falcon, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Attack of the 50 foot Woman, Casablanca, Some Like it Hot(Marilyn!!), Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Casino, Bad Boys I & II, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Swimming Pool, Donnie Darko, anything gory, and is worth spending ten friggin' bucks at the Cinema for!
Family Guy, Prison Break, Nip Tuck, Everybody Loves Raymond, ESPN, Fox Sports Net, basically, whatever the fuck is on the tube at the moment.
Dean Koontz, Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, E.b. White, Shel Silverstien...
My Dad, Jeff Buckley, Bob Marley, Siddhartha Guatama,