Krystie profile picture


About Me

Hukry Bewal & Fokat Arval LEAVE COMMENTS PLEASE :) krystal is...
You are 80% Cancer
How much do you match your zodiac sign?kt is...
You are 33% Leo
How much do you match your zodiac sign?

My Interests

Myspace!!! The!...piano...Waterpolo...making jewelry and other artistic stuff...

I'd like to meet:

Noah Lowry ?krystal....Katie wants to meet: a hot guy from myspace.. whos not gay? is this possible??


Woah...we have a huge variety! I'll go first (krystal) Something Corporate, Incubus, O.C. mixes, Ashlee Simpson, Lenny Kravitz, Lonestar, 95.7 the Bear GRRRR.... haha.. 94.9 yeayuh...Drop it LIke it's HOt!! (insert annoying tongue click noises :-D ) KT- wow i love everything, check out my page to see details!


Krystal- Uncle Buck, Finding Nemo, Now and Then, Joyride, Parenthood, Home Alone, Kt- the Labrynth, Pats Vid!, Team America... and lots of 80's vids


Krystal* The O.C. didn't u know? Gosh. Friends-DVD style, Will & Grace-DVD style even though i only have season 1 :( , Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Desperate Housewives..that one guys is hot! VH1 stuff, What not to wear!! kt- Desperate housewives, Extreme makeover home edition & extreme makeover, SOUTHPARK!, Sex and the City, Veronica Mars..


Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Harry Potter! kt- Oh god.. Gossip Girls, The A list, House of Leaves... ok im stopping bc i could g on and on

My Blog

yellow light

wow..good thing this morning definately was not the craziest morning of our lives... mmm fun stuff.. kenny and sean.. crazy crazy kids.. keep your clothes on.. no streaking behind the john muir statu...
Posted by Krystie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Got stood up :*(

so basically... people suck.. we were supposed to meet some lady for comminuty service for first night at Starbucks.. she didnt show.. we waited and waited and waited... and waited.. and waited... ...
Posted by Krystie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


hi... this is our blog.. yay!
Posted by Krystie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST