Shaynesworld profile picture


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About Me

I'm Shane, 26 and married. I love cold pizza for breakfast, and I love breakfast for dinner, but pizza at dinner has to be hot...I know it makes no sense. I hate it if you send me stupid bulletins everyday. I can only read so many surveys about you. I also hate Myspace friend racers, I have like 100 friends on here and that is too many. I do enjoy the occasional message or comment so feel free...

My Interests

The bible, Jesus, music, playing drums, recording studios, airplanes, microphones, foosball, my wife, guns, your mom, flying, going to shows, building jumpers, road trips, arcades and good old fashioned video games, you know the ones that slow down when there are more han 4 moving objects on the screen.

I'd like to meet:

How about "who don't you want to meet?" Anyone that is in a crappy band. I also don't want to meet people from Mountain View California so don't ask. If your inital greeting is a promise of an overabundance of free ringtones and/or a free apple iphone or xbox 360 dont bother. If you want to make available to me a way to enlarge my gender specific parts...or if you want me to meet you on msn messenger because your aim freezes up, kindly glance over my page. Other than that your pretty much good to go.


this list is going to be really long, I think I have put it off long enough... Shai Hulud, Homegrown, The Cross Movement, Columbus Sharp, Ben Folds 5, Ben Folds, Straylight Run, Sherwood, Boys Night Out, The Get Up Kids, Cursive, Taking Back Sunday, Moorland, From Autumn to Ashes, Still Remains, Thursday, Rescue, Fallout Boy, Mock Orange, Rx Bandits, Reliant K, John Reuben, The Tide, P.O.D., Reel Big Fish, The Fray, Less Than Jake, Dashboard Confessional, The Ataris, Shutterbug (thats my little joke)...there are a million others...thats all for now


Lord of the Rings, Office Space, Enemy At the Gates, Saving Private Ryan, Chronicles of Narnia, Napolean Dynamite, Passion Of The Christ, The Patriot, Terminator 1,2, & 3, High Fidelity, The Sandlot, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Waynes World, The Last Samurai, and Down to You to name a few


The Simpsons, Malcom in the middle, everybody loves raymond, The real world, House, Dawsons Creek, Myth busters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 24, The War at home.


The Bible, Chronicles of Narnia, Wild at heart, Case For Christ, The Case For a Creator, Real Ultimate Power, anything aviation related.


Jesus, and both my dads

My Blog


tonight was so wierd...wirdest night in a really long time
Posted by Shaynesworld on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:58:00 PST

Fold it like a man...

I just ordered myself one of those Dominos Brooklyn style pizzas, normally I would just pick it up because I am a cheapskate and I don't want to tip the delivery guy, but they informed me they lock th...
Posted by Shaynesworld on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 08:11:00 PST

this is pretty lame...

I'm suppose to fly tommorrow but I can't because George W. Bush is going to be in Grand Rapids....thats how big his no fly zone is....I am pretty sure a Piper Warrior stands no chance up against an F-...
Posted by Shaynesworld on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 03:04:00 PST

really busted out

Today I was at Meijers (the new one by the mall) and there was a parakeet flying around in there. I thought it was sweet
Posted by Shaynesworld on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:01:00 PST

Friday the 13th

Today I worked till 11a.m., got paid, went and flew an airplane for an hour or so, took a nap while an episode of Dawsons Creek was playing, and then went to the Muskegon Thunders first ever home game...
Posted by Shaynesworld on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:06:00 PST

in one ear and out the next...

My first semester of aviation training is complete and next week I begin work on an Instrument rating. That means I will be able to fly the plane based on the instruments alone. I got a job over my ...
Posted by Shaynesworld on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:56:00 PST

my plate needs cleaning

Lately I have almost constantly had cotton mouth, I force myself to eat at least once a day although I have a hard time swallowing, I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, and my heart ...
Posted by Shaynesworld on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:43:00 PST

Interesting fact about Darwin

I am at Baker college right now doing some research for my paper on "The Cambrian Explosion" when I stumbled upon a piece of information that was rather interesting to me. Charles Darwin is buried in...
Posted by Shaynesworld on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 08:28:00 PST


the weather cooperated
Posted by Shaynesworld on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:17:00 PST

It has been confirmed...

Group X the arabian rap sensations....are 3 white guys
Posted by Shaynesworld on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 07:22:00 PST