Darren (TEDDY) profile picture

Darren (TEDDY)

Darren (Teddy)

About Me

Bonjour u lovely people nobody evr reads the shiz in this box so why am i even botherin

ok NAME: Darren known as Teddy by most not too sure why

Occuaption: Student stratford college ok i suppose wouldnt recommend + Tesco

Personalality: Very hard to describe split personality can be crazy Random borin loving evil depends on my current mood and things which ave recently happened

Likes In No particular order

Friends: love my friends would be a nothin without them

Music: Love upbeat music i.e. ska punk few bands off the top of my head Authority Zero Leftover crack Catch 22 Pixies Primus Rancid

Goin out: Whether in town down the road love meetin new people although very dubious at first due to my extreme paranoia think i look like an ugly fat twat jokin:-)

Other general thingsOhh MSN [email protected] feel priveliged if u get the oppurtunity to speak to moi as im never at home

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor




My Blog

rather funi death lyrics (not mine)

1.You feel the biteSaw through your horribly burnt open fleshI'll cut off your limbs till you are deadWhen you are really deceasedAgain I will get my cock wet 2.I ride your toasted dripping carcassWit...
Posted by Darren (TEDDY) on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:25:00 PST