Bonjour u lovely people nobody evr reads the shiz in this box so why am i even botherin
ok NAME: Darren known as Teddy by most not too sure why
Occuaption: Student stratford college ok i suppose wouldnt recommend + Tesco
Personalality: Very hard to describe split personality can be crazy Random borin loving evil depends on my current mood and things which ave recently happened
Likes In No particular order
Friends: love my friends would be a nothin without them
Music: Love upbeat music i.e. ska punk few bands off the top of my head Authority Zero Leftover crack Catch 22 Pixies Primus Rancid
Goin out: Whether in town down the road love meetin new people although very dubious at first due to my extreme paranoia think i look like an ugly fat twat jokin:-)
Other general thingsOhh MSN [email protected] feel priveliged if u get the oppurtunity to speak to moi as im never at home