likes to go out-out of town trips, likes sleeping- if i have time, likes Coke, BEer, shawarma, beach- for relaxation, pictures....
Id like to meet my old friends and new peeps ofcourse... :)
R n B, hip-hop.... anything depends on my mood, it can be the 60's or 70's, like old/ country music.. hahaha.. yeah i can go from "Lemon tree very pretty..." up to "bad boys badboys..."
My bEstfrieNds wEdDing...10 tHinGs I haTe... bad boys II.... liTtLe GiAnts..... the Patriot.... fRiday the 13th....
catching time... fear factor... rescue 911..thats so raven... and shows at discovery chnnel
DiAry of a yOung girl, Harry poTteR, Nancy Drew....