Magnus Savage profile picture

Magnus Savage

Lets Go Fly a Kite!!!!!

About Me

I'm at uni in lincoln, am very imature and love it. I especially enjoy sliding on my knees in nightclubs and occasionally bars woo. Im am the nicest person every to grace the mighty face of the earth, i put ghandi to shame. but in all seriousnesss, you know that little devil that jumps up and down on your shoulder making you do mischeivious things, thats me. By day i am a mild mannered graphic design student, but by night i am the vigilantic crimefighting Superhero Crusher Cale Other than a super hero my ideal job would be a television voice over man, because you just sit round in an office all day wacthing tele, and throwing in fun comments. i'd be really good at it aswell, i'd built up a rappor with the viewers and ruining endings to films, like when it goes to the news in the middle of sixth sense or summing i would add a little 'i cant believe bruce willis is dead at the end'. i would have that job for very long but it would be cool while it lasted, hee heeI edited my profile with

My Interests

Football, fighting crime, Looking after my pet Bully the wolf

adopt your own virtual pet! ...

I'd like to meet:

Pocoyo, i think we'd get on, since we are pretty much the samw person, cuz i also love friends. Or anyone connected with the mighty list... heehee


I just love musical theatre, im also a dab hand at kareoke, rocky robin is my oncore


Batman (the 1966 one is the best by far), and finding nemo but everyone likes that film. Well into Little shop of horrors.


Csi, 24, any american exports, addicted to Pocoyo (hooray for Pocoyo),


I aspire to be Batman, Gil Grisholm, Pocoyo, Mayonaise is my all time hero mind. Ross Noble and Shaun Lock forfill my comedy muse