A Dedication:
it all began when she started stealing my things. like my cat that i got on my third birthday. only children, never good sharers.
sophy, me and some bitch who stole my playdoh. i talked with my wooloomooloo preschool crew..we didn't hear from her no more.
sophy is a real cool kid. she just is. even when though she calls me fat and obese, tells me to get a house, a new face and is constantly telling me how im a loser. she still is just up there with the greats. i sure will miss soph when she dies. boy will i. love ya snooks.
creepy and shifty guys who make me think and tell me strange things. A boy to ponder with.
Jeff Buckley. Peaches. Outkast. lol. lol at lol. Radiohead. David Gray. Mars Volta. Modest Mouse. Nick Cave. Tricky. Syd Barrett. The Dresden Dolls. The White Stripes. David Bowie. Debussy. Handel. Thats enough.
once i had an axolotl. i had two actually. a black one and a white one. the black one was given to me by a friend. a friend whom i had never met. i then went and called it Plato. after the Greek philosopher. then my white one, which was actually my first axoltl, i named her Aristotle after again a Greek Philosopher. at the time i didn't realise she was actually just that, a she. i thought, growing up in todays male domineering society that my timid axolotl was a male. but after she laid eggs all over the tank i saw my misconception. one day my axolotl's died. suddenly and unexpectedly. Plato was the first to go, due to a fungal disease i could not get rid of. then went Aristotle. i believe she was lonely and missed her lover. their tank is down there still. holding the memory of what once was.
plotless crap about sex drugs and rape. with characters who care not for others. who care not for themselves. who show humanity at it's worst. this would be ideal.
Molly McCarthy. my cousin