Magda profile picture


...Still the Queen of the Butterfly Collectors

About Me

Overanalyzing separates the body from the mind.
The internet tells me that I am:
Original, creative, curious, complex, open to new experiences, reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful, sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative, critical, rude, harsh, callous, nervous, high-strung & have a tendency to worry.
Apparently, others see me as:
"An exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural lead, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate."
Haha. How lovely.
It forgets to mention that ...
I'm a stubborn biatch who holds grudges.
I dribble when I lie sideways.
I have apostrophe OCD & I find medicines and numbers terribly exciting.
(The type of person who can think of nothing better to after having a few drinks than try to figure out the square root of 5. Or does a *high v25* with Kirsty.)
I'm incredibly cool. (See above)
I always think I'm right, have to win at everything & am very driven.
All in all, a very lovely person!
(Who's also ridiculously attractive. Aren't you lucky.)

My Interests

Likes ~
Art [looking at and creating: Hispanic-Impressions ]; music [listening to]; bass (sexy); piano; gigs; books [reading and writing]; sunshine & warm weather; the beach; cooking; architecture & design; arguing/"discussing"; visiting various cities and countries...

Also little things like -
Sushi; faffing around with make up; internet messageboards; being in love; cuddles and kisses; fruit (especially berries); cakes; horses; melted cheese; colour co-ordinated clothes (especially red ones); the 60s; chest hair; old music; rabbits; maths; large canvas paintings; baking cakes; philadelphia (the cheese); fractal art; baths avec candles and man; dancing in the kitchen; gem stones; plants ...

Dislikes ~
Weakness; people not taking responsibility for their actions; the crazy consumerism & materialism of this society; people not thinking for themselves; the fact that we've reached Peak Oil & no one's bothered; rain; religion; pro-lifers; pills; boob jobs; most people [sadly].

Also unimportant things like ...
Delayed public transport; Radiohead [DEAL WITH IT]; Nazi "jokes"; having to get up early; sPeLlunG layke DiZ; putting apostrophe's in hideously wrong place's; burnt croissants; shops that don't stock small sizes; burning one's tongue; "omgz u iz so skinnaY!1!" and the like; flying; overly vain/arrogant men; tuna; soaps (as in the things on TV).

Would like ~
[In no order] A band. A house. A family. A couple of rabbits.

Loves ~

As long as they gaze on Waterloo sunset
They are in paradise

I'd like to meet:

If you want to add me & I don't know you from somewhere, message me first. Or else I won't add you.
Bands, don't bother!

Narrowminded/crowdfollower/racist/iNdIvIdUaL!1! idiots need not apply.

If you are part of one of these,

then don't even bother.
[Sadly, this rules out 99.8% of the people on this planet, but what can you do.]

"In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom!"

People with good musical taste.
People who question things.
People with passion.

Anyone who'll argue with me.


And more.

Black Madonna.


The Piano
Hideous Kinky
Like Water for Chocolate

Life of Brian, And Now For Something Completely Different, Meet The Parents, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Pianist, Chocolat, Swordfish, ...


Fawlty Towers
My Family
Wife Swap
Grand Designs
The Jeremy Kyle Show
ANTM *cough*


Super-Cannes ~ J. G. Ballard
The Mind Game ~ Hector MacDonald
The Amethysts ~ Frank Delaney

"The consumer society hungers for the deviant and unexpected. What else can drive the bizarre shifts in the entertainment landscape that will keep us 'buying'?"

Pearl ~ Frank Delaney
The Innocent ~ Harlan Coben
Purple Hibiscus ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Dieser Hunger Nach Leben ~ Beatrice Saubin
The Hacienda ~ Lisa St Aubin De Teran
Hungry Ghosts ~ Debbie Taylor
You Don't Have To Live Here ~ Natasha Radojcic
Recipes For A Perfect Marriage ~ Kate Kerrigan

I hate Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy.
What a pile of overrated arse they are.


"I am for an art that takes its forms from the lines of life itself, that twists and extends and accumulates and spits and drips and is heavy and coarse and blunt and sweet and stupid as life itself."
(Claes Oldenburg)
"A thimbleful of red is redder than a bucketful"
(Henri Matisse)
"Abstraction is the way to the heart - it is not the heart itself."
(John Piper)
"The future is going to be boring. The suburbanisation of the planet will continue, and the suburbanisation of the soul will follow soon after."
(J. G. Ballard)
"Painting is a thundering collision of different worlds, intended to create a new world in, and from, the struggle with each other, a new world which is the work of art. Each work originates just as does the cosmos -- through catastrophes which out of the chaotic din of instruments ultimately create a symphony, the music of the spheres. The creation of works of art is the creation of the world."
(Wassily Kandinsky)
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
(Albert Einstein)
"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"
(Douglas Adams)