smoking cigarettes while I think about my younger days when i used to travel around the state telling people not to smoke because it will kill you and, like, totally makes you look stupid.
alt country, good lyrics, great guitars that won't let you refrain from headbanging, polka band at the Essenhaus when I have someone to dance with me
Almost Famous, All the Real Girls, City of God, Kontroll, High Fidelity, the original Manchurian Candidate, Sin City, Pleasantville, Fight Club
Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Simpsons, The Daily Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Lord of the Rings series, The Alchemist, The Little Prince, Dune, Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Desert Solitaire, Great Gatsby, Ender's Game, The Selfish Gene, Slaughterhouse Five, Calvin and Hobbes