Terry Roadcase profile picture

Terry Roadcase

mmm excuse me... Is Lazyness allowed Here?

About Me

Things you should know about me :
I am deeply in love with my fiancé Jasmine so don't bother trying ;)
I am Guitarist/founder of the death/folk metal band Profugus Mortis (www.myspace.com/profugusmortis)
I am Endorsed by Vader cabinets and ENGL amplification
I am an Avid Texas Hold'em Poker fan
I don't have a lot of time on my hand
I don't like the bovine sex club in toronto
I Sell Home Theatre for Futureshop
I normaly buy the extanded Warranty
I like cheese
I play warbook on facebook
I Enjoy luxury cars
I hate photography
I hate nude photography even more
I despise nude models
I am an Audio component freak and I enjoy High-end audio products
I love spending money
I hate gibson guitars
I am a lazy person
I don't cook
I don't like best buy
I hate walmart
I had sex with your sister
I run on windows vista
I have an avid love for Roadcases
I enjoy shirts with foul messages
I am not affected by the obsessive compulsive syndrome
I hate when my drummer sing cheezy songs
I dont like my singer cheezy taste for cheezy songs
my signer as a lot of hair
I dont like hair
I hate pubic hair
I hate a lot of things
I despise religion
I have a huge high heel and boots fetish
I buy at least 3 cd per weeks
I enjoy leather couch
I hate Yngwie Malmsteem
I have a car with small wheels
I have racing seats in my car with small wheels
I normaly put gaz in my car to make it run
I do say a lot of stupid things on my profile
I like gadgets
I don't like when someone with wet hand touch my guitar
I like 4/4 time signature
I like 6/8 double bass drum rythm
I tend to say I am an ass
I am mean sometime
I spoil my fiancé
I have winter tire
I drive an 24 passengers bus while on tour
I suck at babyfoot
I don't attend christmas party
I drink responsibly
I am tired of writing stuff on this profile...
I enjoy chocolate cookies
I don't eat sushi
I accept donation via paypal
I go on msn once a year
my email is old
I am not true enough to be a real black metal
I don't eat small animal
I despise UPS brokeage fees
I think taxes in quebec are too high
and on and on and on....
Oh!One last things you should know :
there is 90% chance I won't like you...
have a nice day!
otherwise, i'd like to say that Paul Ablaze is the crazy motherfucker around!
$15 CAN. | $14 USA | $17 WORLD
Airmail Shipping included.

Terry Roadcase is Endorsed by :

My Interests

Jasmine, Music, roadcases, Metal, Poker, guitar, drum, shows, Warhammer 40k, Magic The gathering, GUITAR GEAR!!!

I'd like to meet:

Your Mother!!


A freaking load of bands! a few exemple : Dark Tranquility, Kataklysm, Eluvietie, Cryptic Wintermoon, Wintersun, Turisa, Ensiferum, Quo Vadis, Kalmah, Catamenia, Disarmonia Mundi, Norther, Cadacross, Hypocrisy, Amon Amarth, Dimension Zero, Decapitated and more... and more... and much more....


Don't really like movies Exept Saw I,II & III




Warhammer 40k Codex + any book related to 40k Story Poker books


PAUL ZINAY!!! and The human metronome JO and Of Course My darling!