Things you should know about me :
I am deeply in love with my fiancé Jasmine so don't bother trying ;)
I am Guitarist/founder of the death/folk metal band Profugus Mortis (
I am Endorsed by Vader cabinets and ENGL amplification
I am an Avid Texas Hold'em Poker fan
I don't have a lot of time on my hand
I don't like the bovine sex club in toronto
I Sell Home Theatre for Futureshop
I normaly buy the extanded Warranty
I like cheese
I play warbook on facebook
I Enjoy luxury cars
I hate photography
I hate nude photography even more
I despise nude models
I am an Audio component freak and I enjoy High-end audio products
I love spending money
I hate gibson guitars
I am a lazy person
I don't cook
I don't like best buy
I hate walmart
I had sex with your sister
I run on windows vista
I have an avid love for Roadcases
I enjoy shirts with foul messages
I am not affected by the obsessive compulsive syndrome
I hate when my drummer sing cheezy songs
I dont like my singer cheezy taste for cheezy songs
my signer as a lot of hair
I dont like hair
I hate pubic hair
I hate a lot of things
I despise religion
I have a huge high heel and boots fetish
I buy at least 3 cd per weeks
I enjoy leather couch
I hate Yngwie Malmsteem
I have a car with small wheels
I have racing seats in my car with small wheels
I normaly put gaz in my car to make it run
I do say a lot of stupid things on my profile
I like gadgets
I don't like when someone with wet hand touch my guitar
I like 4/4 time signature
I like 6/8 double bass drum rythm
I tend to say I am an ass
I am mean sometime
I spoil my fiancé
I have winter tire
I drive an 24 passengers bus while on tour
I suck at babyfoot
I don't attend christmas party
I drink responsibly
I am tired of writing stuff on this profile...
I enjoy chocolate cookies
I don't eat sushi
I accept donation via paypal
I go on msn once a year
my email is old
I am not true enough to be a real black metal
I don't eat small animal
I despise UPS brokeage fees
I think taxes in quebec are too high
and on and on and on....
Oh!One last things you should know :
there is 90% chance I won't like you...
have a nice day!
otherwise, i'd like to say that Paul Ablaze is the crazy motherfucker around!
$15 CAN. | $14 USA | $17 WORLD
Airmail Shipping included.
Terry Roadcase is Endorsed by :