Boeing profile picture


We want to fly you

About Me

Hello and welcome to the Boeing 747's myspace. We ask that you remain seated with your tray tables up, seats in the full upright position, and have your seatbelt fastened. A flgith attendant will be around shortly to take any drinks or trash you may have prior to take off. Thank for choosing me, we will begin our taxi to the runway shrotly.
I was born in 1970 in rainy Seattle. People labled me as "the plane that killed the planet" and "the gas guzzling flying bitch". I still hold these titles to this day and it still hurts. This is why I crash myself into building and the ocean because of you hurtful people that criticized me for my thirsty nature and arrogant demenor. It hurts me knowing that I have done some much for you and what have you given in return? Complaint forms about my seats being too small or my food giving you diarhea. It all hurts. Well, I hope to see you all very soon so I can crash into something with you aboard me.
Planes will soon rule the world!

My Interests

Flying, chasing the sun, landing, take off, autopilot, hurting the people that hurt me, fossil fuels, and naps.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who liked me for my girth and my personality.


Easy listening such as Barry Manilow, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Van Morrison, Yo-Yo Ma, and many more.


Alive!, Hero, Flightplan, Air Force One, and Airplane


I do not support television in anyway.


No time to read when I am high as a kite...


Wright Brothers.