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~Gender Nectar~

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it

About Me

Layout made by ~** His Sweetest Sin **~
"If I can't dance I don't want to be in your revolution," said Emma Goldman (1869-1940), feminist heroine, anarchist activist, editor, writer, teacher, jailbird and general trouble-maker. Or did she? Perhaps she said, "If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution," as my purple T-shirt claims under a picture of Emma looking demure in a wide-brimmed hat. Or was it rather, "If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution," as the quote appears in a 1983 "non-sexist yet traditional" Passover Haggadah?
In fact, though the sentiment is indeed Emma Goldman's, one she frequently pronounced and acted upon, she wrote none of the above, notwithstanding that each of these versions and more has been attributed to her on buttons, posters, banners, T-shirts, bumper stickers, and in books and articles, for nearly twenty years. Here, rather, is what she did say, in her 1931 autobiography Living My Life:
"At the dances I was one of the most untiring and gayest. One evening a cousin of Sasha [Alexander Berkman], a young boy, took me aside. With a grave face, as if he were about to announce the death of a dear comrade, he whispered to me that it did not behoove an agitator to dance. Certainly not with such reckless abandon, anyway. It was undignified for one who was on the way to become a force in the anarchist movement. My frivolity would only hurt the Cause."
"I grew furious at the impudent interference of the boy. I told him to mind his own business, I was tired of having the Cause constantly thrown into my face. I did not believe that a Cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from conventions and prejudice, should demand the denial of life and joy. I insisted that our Cause could not expect me to become a nun and that the movement should not be turned into a cloister. If it meant that, I did not want it. "I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everyboy's right to beautiful, radiant things." Anarchism meant that to me, and I would live it in spite of the whole world--prisons, persecution, everything. Yes, even in spite of the condemnation of my own comrades I would live my beautiful ideal." [Living My Life (New York: Knopf, 1934), p. 56]

ANARCHISM:--The philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary.
Emma Goldman, "What is Anarchy?"
The emotions of the ignorant man are continuously kept at a pitch by the most blood-curdling stories about Anarchism. Not a thing too outrageous to be employed against this philosophy and its exponents. Therefore Anarchism represents to the unthinking what the proverbial bad man does to the child,--a black monster bent on swallowing everything; in short, destruction and violence.
Emma Goldman, "What is Anarchy?"
The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the State is itself the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation.
Emma Goldman, "What is Anarchy?"
The higher mental development of woman, the less possible it is for her to meet a congenial male who will see in her, not only sex, but also the human being, the friend, the comrade and strong individuality, who cannot and ought not lose a single trait of her character.
Emma Goldman
The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause, as, for instance, the black man's right to his body, or woman's right to her soul.
Emma Goldman
A scoundrel's worst fear is a society without money: for in such a society he would only get the respect he deserves.
Ben Franklin
“Western man fills his pantry with groceries, and thinks himself self-sufficient.”
“When I am good, I am very very good, but when I am bad I am better.”
-B. Bardot
A wealthy man's heart is a ghetto...
an anarchist's heart is a kingdom
Crimethinc.com... Fighting For Our Lives
Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must live.
People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy.
Mikhail Bakunin
The measure of the state's success is that the word anarchy frightens people, while the word state does not.
Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.
The passion for destruction is also a creative passion.
Mikhail Bakunin
Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel.
Che Guevara
I don't care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.
Che Guevara
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But who will take out the garbage?

It was in Barcelona, some years after the civil war, when the memory of the syndicates still remained, unutterable, under the iron heel of the fascist regime.
City bus #68 was making its rounds one particularly sunny spring day, when the driver slammed on the brakes at an intersection. “Fuck this,” he swore in angry Catalan, and, opening the bus doors, stomped out into the sunshine.
The passengers watched in shock at first, and then began to protest anxiously. One of them stood up and started to honk the horn. After a few tentative beeps, he leaned on it with all his might, sounding it like a burglar alarm; but the fed up ex-bus driver continued, nonchalant, on his way down the street.
For a full minute, the riders sat in stupefied silence. A couple stood up and got off the bus themselves. Then, from the back of the bus, a woman with the appearance of a huge cannon ball and an air of unconquerable selfpossession stepped forward. Without a word, she sat down in the driver’s seat, and put the engine in gear. The bus continued on its route, stopping at its customary stops, until the woman arrived at her own and got off. Another passenger took her place for a stretch, stopping at every bus stop, and then another, and another, and so #68 continued, until the end of the line.

A White House nursery composition, 1904...
“The anarchist is a very fierce creature. It is first cousin to the gorilla. It kills presidents, princes, executives, likewise sabotages their summits and summer holidays. It has long, unkempt hair on its head and all over its face. Instead of fingernails it has long, sharp claws. The anarchist has many pockets in which it carries rocks, knives, guns, and bombs. It is a night animal. After dark, it gathers in groups, large and small, and plans raids, murders, plagues. Lots are drawn to select who must carry out the work. The anarchist does not like water. It never washes or changes its clothes. It is always thirsty and drinks only salt water. The home of the anarchist is in Europe, especially Italy. Some few have been exported to North America, where they are feared and hated by all decent folks and hunted wherever they show themselves. Papa does not like anarchists a bit. They give him bad dreams, he says. He has given orders to have them caught and put in cages, and he will not allow any more to come into this country if he can help it. If any sneak in, he will have them shot like rabid dogs, Mexicans, mountain lions, and such animals. I practice every day with my rifle so I can shoot these wild beasts when I grow up.”

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Tori Amos, U2, DJ Icey, Deelite, The Cranberries, Snow Patrol, Dido, Train, CCR, too many to name but I love music.


I love movies, especially horror films & especially zombie films. Some of my favorite movies are The Hills Have Eyes (2006), Almost Famous, A Knights Tale, Deuce Bigalow, White Chicks, The Edukators, Goodbye Lenin!, V for Vendetta, Shaun of the Dead, Serenity, Dot the I, Brick, Spun, Thumbsucker, Night of the Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw, way too many more to list!


Don't watch a lot of tv. I like The King of Queens, Family Guy, South Park, The L Word, Weeds, The Wire...that's about it and I don't even usually watch those shows. Just rent DVDs when I can.


Here is my wishlist @ Amazon because I want and love too many books to list.
Some books I love: Off the Map Days of War Nights of Love Recipes for Disaster Collapse


Emma Goldman, Abbie Hoffman, Bakunin, Ingrid Newkirk to name a few. Specific people who live by the beat of their own drum and doesn't go with the "herd" so to speak.

Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have high extroversion.
You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.
You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.
Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"
You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have high agreeableness.
You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly.
Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone.
You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.
You have high neuroticism.
It's easy for you to feel shaken, worried, or depressed.
You often worry, and your worries prevent you from living life fully.
You tend to be emotionally reactive and moody. Your either flying very high or feeling very low.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. The Five Factor Personality Test

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every finger in the roomis pointing at mei wanna spit in their facesthen i get afraid what that could bringi got a bowling ball in my stomachi got a desert in my mouthfigures that my COURAGEwould choo...
Posted by Beautifully Broken on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:23:00 PST