~*~LeeZ^J@L!L~*~ profile picture


~*~ ... tHug it oUt , t!LL we gEt iT r!gHt ... ~*~

About Me

Nuthin gRe@t reaLly but aNyw@y, I --

~~ am a joV!@L k!nDa laSs (@t le@st 2 yOurS tRuLy) with xtra TLC to sHare wif...

~~ sometimes can b so cruel, Lucifer eVen come 2nd ...

~~ lyk moSt peOpLe, most of da time am enjoying what t!s gRe@t life has 2 offer...

~~f!naLly, le@ve d reSt 2 b juDged bY


~~@ muakz,mucho gracias @~~

my n@me beg!n wif d letter "M" and I wuz preD!cteD as b3Low (beliEve it or nOt!!!)
You may appear innocent, unassuming and shy; but we know that Appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes, though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of love. You can be highly critical of you mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is not easy to find someone who can meet your standards. You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers. You are often selfish, thinking you are always right no matter what. You never give in. Winning is your prime desire at any cost. You often forget friends and family and you live for the moment.
? they can try, but they can't take that away from me.... ?..

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Yin/Yang - Image Hosting

My Interests



Rendevous(low r!de, hehhehehe)...

...2 b continued (i get bored easily so my interest will d!ffEr oCcasionaLLy)...

I'd like to meet:

in my dream-list are --- Wentworth M!ller, mR.baByfaCe, UshEr, Tyrese, Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Jason Giambi & last but not least, mr.Hugh Hefner......

...BUT l!fe w!ll b muCh mErrieR geTTin 2 know each & evryone of u out tHere.. a liFetime bOnus i bel!eVe ...

so wHen uR re@dY, h!t mE ---

[email protected]~


i c@n l!sten 2 vaRy types of music but i puT d pR!oritY to

R&B n souL muS!c...(tis kinda music reaLLy fEed fOOds 2 my sOuL)...

lots n lots of mr.Babyface touches then i'll b explosively happy...


as loNg as my eYes still bLink!nG after 30mins..

anyway, let me list down my all time fav...

~~ bLood iN, bLood oUt

~~ foRRest gUmp

~~ d gOdf@tHer

~~ t!taNiC


~~ h@rrY poTTer

~~ SandLer, sTillEr, sChNeiDer movies


CSI, O.C, Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives, LOST, Alias, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, pR!sonBreAk (i luv u mr.Scofield)....


dan!eLLe StEel...VirGiN!a Henley...SuSan johNson...JacK!e CoLLins...sOph!e k!nseLLa...


J!mMy jaLil aka jimMy JaHat aka JimmY jaHil....tats ma bigDady..

My Blog

watsoever... nevermind....

hallo people.... how time flies... it's been a long time since i make a short stop ere... lately, i'm kinda having an uptight  emotional  crisis.... so sad tat shedding tears is not an ea...
Posted by ~*~LeeZ^J@L!L~*~ on Fri, 19 May 2006 02:23:00 PST

my boredom....

heylow ma people....    my life sucks lately... i'm out of new clothes but hav no $$$ to spend on... i need some laugh but ma clown frens are so far away... i miss my social nite life bu...
Posted by ~*~LeeZ^J@L!L~*~ on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 12:56:00 PST

HoLd oN!!

i kNow U've beeN gOiN ThRu SumThin ThE PaiN u HoLd iNsiDe iS WriTteN oN uR FacE..... u Can Cry, u caN SigH, u Can Die TilL ur MidniGht BluE, buT no, i KnoW taT uR Stronger it'S appAreNt 2 me, ...
Posted by ~*~LeeZ^J@L!L~*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST