~BaRD~ profile picture


HyE EVeRYBoDY!!!! DuNT FoRGeT To CoMMeNT My PiC Yaa..HeHe!!

About Me

My character isn't show the real me! I'm a lot more chilled and I'm not bossy at all. I was given that role cos I guess I was the easiest person to choose being the second oldest, it's more believable. In a stereotypical way, I'm supposed to be much wiser or whatever. In , the second series, I'm moulding the part much more to my personality but the first series? Urgh! I hated it! I used to watch it and cringe. It was awful! Thankfully I like my character now. I'd like to remind everyone out there that I'm really scared about being depressed! I'm worried I won't notice that I'm on a high and then it'll smack me once I've come down. You know, oh things were good back then and now it's all an anti-climax and I'm all depressed'...Luckily I soon cheer up again and think, oh, I'm actually not that bad!' And so the cycle goes on...I also got a charm that I carry around with me. It's a little face and half of it is really happy and the other half is really sad. I turn it around according to my mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll turn it to the happy side - to cheer me up. If someone's made me really angry, I turn it the grumpy way and then I'm allowed to be grumpy! It's called a mood-drop...I love something new..esp. foods, fashion, places, frenzs and etc..im the one who used to try and explore a new things in this world..hmm..im simple but sometimes can be more than that.i luv hanggin out with my buddies and goin out anywhre that i thought fun!..i like something that is extraordinary...esp. gurl!..daahh u know what i mean rite?..u'll know me once u become part of my buddies..so those out there who thought that they are cool and wanna be my buddy#A.J.K PeMuDa UMNO BaHaGiaN SuBaNG # Ex-PReSiDeNT SeKReTaRiAT RaKaN MuDa UNiVeRSiTY Of MaLaYa #ToP 8 Of PeRSoNaLiTi CeLCoM MeTRO ( PCM ) SeaSoN 4 2005..

My Interests

#SLeePinGs.. #SWimMiNGs #ReaDiNGs #SuRFiNG InTeRNeT aNd FoR EveRyTHinG...

I'd like to meet:

OF CoURSe...My GuRL ...My BuCuK..My SwEeT..My LovE & Be LoveD..and MY Ca~yuNk : Tengku Amelyn Petri Binti Tan Sri Tengku Azman Shah a.k.a ~Bard^Elyien~ ....


PoPz, JaZz, SeNTiMeNTaL SoNGS,R&B & BLaCK MeTaL SoNG...HeHeHe..

Everyday I Love You I don't know but I believe That some things are meant to be And that you'll make a better me Everyday I love you I never thought that dreams came true But you showed me that they do You know that I learn somethng new Everyday I love you 'Cos I believe that destiny Is out of our control (don't you know that I do) And you'll never live until you love With all your heart and soul. It's a touch when I feel bad It's a smile when I get mad All the little things I am Everyday I love you Everyday I love you boy Everyday I love you 'Cos I believe that destiny Is out of our control (don't you know that I do) And you'll never live until you love With all your heart and soul If I asked would you say yes? Together we're the very best I know that I am truly blessed Everyday I love you And I'll give you my best Everyday I love you


#HaRRY PoTTeR #LoRD Of ThE RiNG #MouSe HuNT #SCaRY MoViE #SuPeRMaN ReTuRN #TiGeR SHoW...;))


#F.R.I.E.N.D.S, #MaGiC SHoW, #AkaDeMi FaNTaSiA, #AMeRiCaN IDoL, #FeaR FaCToR


PLaYBoY, HaRRy PoTTeR anD The oRDeR OF ThE PHoeNiX, MaSKuLiN, STaR....


Of CouRSe My FaMiLy..EsPeCiaLLy My PaReNT...