sports, fixing cars, shooting range! I catch an adreneline rush from shooting!
I only want to meet realistic people! -not fake! I like talking with the sophisticated type, with a broad mind set.
A man with that sexy body and eyez! I can stair into a man wit some pretty eyes all day long -that being one of my turn ons!
I need friendz wit good credit! The type of people that don't need to borrow shit!!
Kanya West, Jamie Fox, Gorillaz, Dj Quick, LiL Jon, Ludacris,Mary J Blidge, Mariah Carrey, Patti Labelle, the Old Whitney Houston!!! Jay-Z, Fabulous, B.G, Biggie Smalls, Tupac, and others!
Make sure you check out my boy!
My Baby Daddy
The hardest female rapper alive MiaX!!!!
Free Mac BitcheS!!! Show these other FAKE Rappers how its done!!!!
Sex and the City, King of Queens, Seinfeld, Simpsons, just to name a few