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Matthew Moseley

(My Thesis Statement on Life) Fantasy is always superior to Actuality; Therefore, I pursue Dreams, n

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I am Mr. those who can't do, teach. Coaching football is my passion, real estate is my job, an MBA is my goal and the library is my second home. I might not be very good looking but if ur a hot girl then im probably already ur best friend. im like peyton manning, everytime im in the redzone im in the (fri)end zone. I excel in making friends and talking about myself entirely too much. I hope to own a house backed up against the Huntinton Harbor one day with my yacht I never have time to use out back and my Bentley that gets me to work at my football shop way too fast and then back home in time to walk my golden retriever just before dinner at sunset on my back balcony after which I jump in my jacuzzi with the only person I know that works harder than me, the person i admire more than anyone else in the world, my wife. Nothing wrong with a good dream right??? On a side note I am not getting married before 30.

My Interests

Football is my interest, primarily Champions League and the English Premier League. Football is the world's beautiful game and mine as well. I also enjoy Cwalking after one too many cocktails. I used to love it sober but that is in my past. .. width="425" height="350" .... i am of swedish blood and that is in no way depressing. i am also a bit of english and german or something like that too, which may be a little depressing.

I'd like to meet:

I enjoy intelligent girls that are witty conversationalists.Speaking of intelligent girls... this is an excerpt from some girl's diary... "theres one more thing... I really like this guy named Matt & I think his last name is spelled Mosely, but it could be Moseley. He plays soccer, has the same initials, has the same watch, & eats his chips the same way as me. He was really really cute, nice, & funny. He shaved his head but he is still kinda cute, but looks aren't everything. Anyway my friend Elizabeth Rice likes him, actually she liked him first! Oh well! He said he likes us both as friends. He found out we both liked him on the same day & when he said that (see above) someone said "Gosh, what are you, gay?" I'm sure it would be hard 4 him 2 choose between us. We are still all friends though. But I still like him! Matt (our code name - Mickey Mouse) is my only crush! I never felt this way about anyone in my whole life. I think about him day & night all the time. I may be getting obsessed. Anyways, I really, really like him. Love Always M&M or Minnie Mouse. get the connection?"P.S. Beware Infiltrators


I like music that either has some sort of substantial lyrics or just makes girls get low on the dance floor. Rappers are rad but they arent talented, unless your talking about Wu-tang or Mos Def and such, that takes some skill and effort. And no Kanye West doesnt count, all he does is sample or make a song or statement that contradicts his life, plus he is ignorant. "Your making a video about Jesus and im not getting any cooperation here!"


I like movies most with a date on a couch. I am not a huge fan of going to the movies because it is far overpriced especially when you can wait 3 months and see it for less than a rental at Edwards Theatre on Warner and Beach, I love that place. I am a big fan of comedies as they make over fifty percent of my vocabulary, "thats me, taking the bull by the horns. its a metaphor, its how i handle my business. but it really happened too" but I like pretty much any movie, even the black and white ones from before i was born, when they entertained w/o using sex and dirty language. Really quite an accomplishment. But new movies are better even if they are all taken from books or remakes because nobody has any imagination anymore.


The Daily Show and South Park, what can i say i love the jews. (i am not jewish by birth anyways) But TV sux, movies are where its at. I try not to watch TV at all because it is a death trap for your mind. Yet everyone needs a little sportscenter and fox sports world. Also I can almost never turn off the Chappelle Show.


I read way too much yet I do not read enough.


each one of my friends and family has something about them at i admire. alex: self-confidence and style; alicia: beauty; dad: strategery and competitiveness; drew: computer and video game skills; dave: handiwork; dolan: creativity; derek: hockey cuts; ellis: personability; emily: eyes; evan: slap shot and the mojo; gordon: athleticism; haney; memory and intelligence; jaso: personality and wingspan; janna: reasoning and perseverance; jano: agility; kathy: courage; katrina: laugh; kyle: low drives and quality of life; mom: work rate; marru: kindness; meghan: hair; mitch: vision; natalie: thrift; rob: vocabulary; ron: physical stregnth; rebecca: perma-smile; robyn: almost everything. This ofcourse is not to say that i do not contain many qualities that i admire in myself. in fact if i started listing what i admire about myself we would definitely be here alllllll day. so i suppose i will let you decide what to admire about me yourself. ha. on a side note, i truly wish people would have more loyalty in place of self-indulgence.