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© I got My Skulls Here xXxDemand HOLY MOTHER with Eventful! ..==========================================================
TOMMY HELLBENT'S BIOTommy began his interest in music
as a young child in elementary school
starting playing the drums in school band.After seeing one of his brother's friend's
play guitar and then learning
that the guitar and amp was for sale,
Tommy asked his mom if he could have it
and she obliged . At 11 years old this was
Tommy's first guitar and amp ( a 1970's Harmony
"Rebel" sunburst guitar and a sears amplifier.locking himself in his room
religously after school for hours, for a few years
learning and practicing to bands and recording's like:Aerosmith-"Live Bootleg" & "Rocks"
Ted nugent-"weekend warriors"
Kiss-"Alive II"
Judas Priest-"British steele"he had been asked to start his first band
"Fortress" with fellow school mates
and played parties after school and on weekends .in 11th grade Tommy's skills on guitar started to stand out
which led him to be asked by a school buddy
Todd Confessore to play in a hot new band he was in
playing the circuit called "Zephaniah" opening up for Ruffkut
and a few choice other bands, this lasted a while
but when the band broke up "blacksheep" was formed
and the rock-n-roll continued till..........after a little while when Tommy was graduating
High School , his older brother George had be-friended
Bobby Rondinelli who had just finished
playing with Richie Blackmore and Rainbow on the
"Straight Between The Eyes" tour
and Bobby was back on Long Island
putting together his group "Rondinelli"
( with brother Teddy, sister Dorothy )Tommy was out in his
parents garage practicing and Bobby
came in the house for a minuite , heard Tommy playing
and asked "who is that playing guitar" ,Tommy's brother replied
"thats my kid brother" Bobby stepped into the garage,
Tommy finished and turned around and Bobby asked
"do you want to audition for my band"
the rest was history ,
Tommy found himself the following week at 18 years old
in rehearsal with the group"Rondinelli".After knocking around the local music scene
playing with old time buddies in local tribute bands like:Heatseeker & Ballbreaker ( the 2 original Long Island AC/DC tribute)
Hysteria (The original Def Leppard Tribute)
then Snakebite ( Whitesnake tribute )Tommy was Re-introduced to Mike Tirelli
( Holy Mother ). Mike asked Tommy to play on the upcoming
Holy Mother release " Agoraphobia" released on SPV/ Steamhammer
in the summer of 2003.
Agoraphobia was released in Europe in April 2003
and debued on the charts in Europe at # 16 and stayed there for 6 weeks
and then it was released in the USA and had over 30 plays per week in cities like
Boston , Dallas , Philadelphia and Chicagohere is just some of the many reviews it recieved:===================================================
Holy Mother - Agoraphobia Review on
taken from www.revelationz.netHoly Mother, Holy Shit! One of the most middle finger
in-your-face take no shit aggressive metal albums
out there. It’s defiantly a breath of fresh air for
some who want something different in the Metal
scene besides all the power and symphonic
Metal that we all know and love so much,
as well as some of us that just want to rock
out with a stripped down blast of riff driven guitars.
Agoraphobia combines the raunchy splendor of bands
like Sleeze Beez, Asphalt Ballet, and a more aggressive
Guns and Roses, giving this record the same feel
as per say, Skid Row’s “Subhuman Race,â€
remember how aggressive and heavy that album was.
The album stays constantly heavy throughout,
lacking any ballads, keyboards, or any overproduced
schlock, creating a more down to earth vibe.
The songwriting toyings prevent the album from
falling into any cheese factor, while creating an
anthem-like atmosphere for many of the record’s cuts.
Agoraphobia opens up with the Nevermore-ish “Successâ€
then quickly follows up with the bassline/low guitar
groove of “Modern Day God†reminiscent of the
old school Bang Tango meets early Pantera,
you can say it’s an odd combination,
but just listen to this record, it’s there.
Like most of the songs on this record,
the groove and the melody take precedent
along with a high strain of tight chops.
The guitar work coincides with aggressive
drumming that fits well with the gritty vocal
style, not to mention the lyrics are a cynical
take on many themes that have been absent
from Metal lately, just look at some of the titles.
Other key cuts on the record are the spaced-out
riffed laden “Hungry for Exxstacy,â€
the Sabbath-esque “Skitso,†and the dark “Nympho.â€
To sum it all up Holy Mother has laid upon us
one hell of a Metal album, completely heavy,
beyond any expectations that I might have had
for the record, thinking by the cover that it was
going to be another power Metal band,
but yet that is another lesson learned in the whole
“don’t judge a book bys its coverâ€
phrase. For the last word, this album should satisfy
all Metalheads looking for a more down to earth
record filled with riffs and void of any bullshit.
Rating: 8/10
Hashman - 8/14/2003===================================================
HOLY MOTHER "Agoraphobia" CD 74/100
Heavy Metal
taken from
uccess, is the Future" they sing in their first song
called "Success". Well, yeah, they deserve to have
success now, after releasing their fifth record so far.
If you take a look at the line-up, you'll find quite an
impressive list: Mike Tirelli (lead vocals, rhythm guitar),
bassist Randy Coven
(worked with Yngwie Malmsteen and Steve Vai)
drummer Frank Gilchriest (worked with Virgin Steele)
and lead guitarist Tommy Hellbent ( worked with Rondinelli).
In the studio they were helped by drummer
John Macoluso (TNT, Malmsteen)
and Herman Frank (Moon'Doc, Victory).
Anyway, the music is dynamic Power Metal,
in the vein of Seven Witches,
but with more driving force in it.
It immediately catches the listener by the balls.
The drums bring a lot of variation;
the rhythm and lead guitars are also impressive.
The singer sometimes reminds me of Tim Owens
(now ex-Judas Priest)
which is not a bad thing at all in my opinion.
Despite all of this, they need to make
good music too…and they do! The record starts
strong with songs as "Success", "Modern Day God"
and "Heaven's Door". Then it continues with
the title track and "Hungry For Extasy".
Sixth song, called "Society, Anxiety" is another very
strong track. "Skitzo" and "Nympho" aren't bad either.
The Black Sabbath cover "Never Say Die"
is good but nothing out of the ordinary.
So is the last song "Sheer Erotica".
My conclusion: this album starts very well,
with really good songs, but at the end it gets
a little bit less convincing. Still a more than good
effort, which I advise you to investigate.Mr Moshpit
Tommy's Guitar style and song writing skills are
a mix of his influences which include:Glen Tipton ( Judas Priest )
Dave Meniketti ( Y& T , Meniketti )
John Sykes ( Thin Lizzy , Whitesnake ,Blue Murder & Sykes )
Zakk Wylde ( Ozzy , Pride and Glory & Black Label Society )
Dimebag Darrell ( Pantera , Damageplan )
Ace Frehley ( Kiss )
Joe Perry ( Aerosmith )
Teddy Rondinelli ( Rondinelli )
Neal Schon ( Journey & Hardline )
Gary Hoey ( Heavy Bones & GHB )===========================================================
Interview with Tommy Hellbent - Holy Mother
Written by HashmanComing off the heals of their latest release "Agoraphobia,"
one of the most down too earth stripped down Metal albums
out at this time (see my review), I had the chance
to interview lead guitarist Tommy Hellbent of Holy Mother,
a band whose members have a rich history
(just look at bassist's Coven's track record).
Being that they are an American Band,
one of the most important aspects of my questions
is that I wanted their perspective of the
American Metal scene, a scene which is not
dominated by just one band and just one sound,
but yet when it comes to popularity among the mass
music listeners, it tends to take a back seat to all the
commercial blunder that MTV feeds American
kids these days. So enough said there,
Tommy Hellbent had a lot to talk about when it came
to the bands history as well as
Holy Mother's current endeavors.Q : With this being your fifth album,
and a career spanning almost a decade
as Holy Mother, what direction has "Agoraphobia"
taken you?
Tell me about the evolution that has taken place
with you guys since 1994, when it all began.A : The direction of our current CD "Agoraphobia"
is totally different from any other CD that
HOLY MOTHER has ever recorded .
It's much more heavier , melodic and aggressive
compared to older H M CD'S .
As far as our evolution our bio should take care
of all your H M history questions here it isHOLY MOTHER BIOGRAPHY
Internationally renowned New York metal vocalist
Mike Tirelli founded HOLY MOTHER along with
Randy Coven and Jim Harris in 1994 .
Mike exploded onto the scene as the vocalist of Jack Starr's
(ex- Virgin Steele), Burning Star.
Needing to stretch his wings Mike left Burning Starr
and teamed up with bass virtuoso Randy Coven,
who has recorded with music icons Steve Vai, Zakk Wylde,
Yngwie Malmsteen,Mountain, Brad Gillis & Al Pitrelli
as well as a prolific solo career. Jim Harris also lent his
skills and talents to building HOLY MOTHER.
Also a veteran of Burning Starr, Jim's other credits include
Sony recording artist Dirty Looks .
In 1995 their self entitled album HOLY MOTHER
put the band on the map as alegitimate heavy metal
voice world-wide. In 1998 HOLY MOTHER released their
groundbreaking power metal album, Toxic Rain.
Hard touring, including performances at major
heavy metal festivals all over Europe,
left an unforgettable impression on the critics
and metalheads throughout the world.
Subsequent releases"Criminal Afterlife"
and "My World War" released in 1999 and 2000
earned the band greater success and built upon
an already fanatical fan base.
In between HOLY MOTHER releases,
the band experimented and had some fun in
the industrial genre resulting in the release of
"Tabloid Crush", under the moniker NOW
(Not Our World).Record label complications
lead to the band parting ways,
leaving Mike seeking a new label and new band members.
It wasn't long before Mike and manager Rayner Hansel
of Cultural Minority signed with S.P.V. Steam Hammer
in April 2001. With greater resources at his disposal
Mike recruited drummer extraordinaire John Macoluso
(TNT, Yngwie Malmsteen, ARC) and Randy Coven
once again for pre-production of the next HOLY MOTHER album.
Mike added Axe master Tommy Hellbent (Rondinelli),
who contributed his signature solos to the new CD.
Technical problems with the drum tracks and Macoluso's
busy recording elsewhere caused Tommy Hellbent
to suggest to Mike to enlist Hard-Hitting drummer
Frank Gilchriest (Virgin Steele)
to re-record the drum tracks.
Along with Tirelli's disturbing and beautiful lyrics
and undeniable vocal prowess now make up what
is being called the definitive lineup of HOLY MOTHER.
The result is the mother of all HOLY MOTHER Albums ,
Agoraphobia. This brilliant performance
by the Long Island,New York based metal band is being
received as a landmark effort.
Combining elements of both Nu and traditional metal
this music takes chances and the musicians push
themselves to the limit. Mike Tirelli, along with a
little help from his friends, crafts a refined explosion
of sound, rhythm and attitude that will leave a dent
on the metal landscape for years to come.. .Q : This being your debut on SPV/Steamhammer,
one of the largest Metal related labels,
do you see SPV taking the band in a better direction,
possibly backing the record up with more promotion
and possible tour support ?A : We are much appreciative to SPV / STEAMHAMMER
for what they have done for us to this point
& what they will continue to do for us in the future.
Just being associated with SPV gives us the chance
to go in a better direction it's a great metal label.
I have personally read the advertisements for our
current CD in CLASSIC ROCK magazine.
The band is tight, solid & ready to tour at a moments notice.
We have the potential to be supporting the "Agoraphobia "
CD in a city near you sometime at the end of 2003
beginning of 2004 . SO KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR US !Q : Lyrically, you guys also have concepts that many
of us can relate to, I mean in your songs "Hungry for Exxstacy"
or "Nympho" which for one thing can hit just about any listener
as something they can relate to, who hasn't been in a bar looking
to pick up chicks to get laid; does your lyrical approach represent
you being as, maybe keeping a distance from all the sci-fi
themes that many power metal bands represent,
keeping your own stance in the metal world.
Basically where do you guys see yourselves
standing in the whole metal world?A : We didn't intentionally sit down to write a CD with a theme
about psychology , but after starting to write the songs
that's the direction it took which was definitely
a different angle than most Metal bands .
We just wanted to record & release a totally raw ,
heavy , aggressive CD with no bullshit involved
& What you hear is what you get . In reguard to
where we stand in the metal world , I feel that
this band is just a hard working unit ready
for any challenge or opportunity it takes to
bring the music to metalheads from all over……. that's our goalQ : In the Early-to-mid nineties when Metal was unfortunately
seen as being taboo by the mainstream audience
(at least as the American Audience is concerned)
how did that atmosphere affect you here in the states and abroad.A : Metal wasn't as widely accepted then as it is more so today.
Back then there was nothing you could do to help
yourself besides just keep doing what you love to do
which isQ :Being from America, you obviously see that most
kids these days unfortunately look up to performers
like 50 cent, The White Stripes, and Eminem,
and that the record companies are in shambles
over issues such as downloading and retail sales
slumping, where do you see metal going in the US,
what is your opinion about how it should be approached,
not so much by the major labels but yet independent
record companies to give this music more promotion,
giving metal bands more notoriety in the mainstream.
(And also where in your opinion are the best places
for Metal in America, cities and so-forth?)A : I see metal so far in the states has re-asurged in a big way
…. newer bands like SEVENDUST , DISTURBED ,
have brought metal onto the banks of the shores
of the mainstream music stations .
the best areas for metal in the U.S.A definitely NEW YORK ,
CALIFORNIA , SEATTLE , CHICAGO ,Q : Over the past decade, recording technology has gotten
more "do it yourself" with Pro-Tools and other affordable
recording devices. How has this affected you over the years,
are there any type of "plug-ins" or other pieces of gear that
you prefer to use. I also noticed that "Agoraphobia"
was recorded Tirelli's own studio, did that, in a sense make
it easier to record the album.
Did that have a particular influence in this records direction?A : Way easier to make your own recordings &
still come out with totally pro sounding stuff
..also the environment that you record in is so
much more relaxed so you can be much more creative
& productive with tracks that your laying down
& the music your creating .Q : I saw Randy play bass for Malmsteen on the
"War to End all Wars" tour in Nashville back in 2001.
How did keeping side projects and other appearances
paralleling with Holy Mother go?A : Usually when "other stuff was going on "
it was because we had some down time and we were able toQ : Where do you enjoy touring the most,
particularly how are you American Audiences.
How was the tour with Doro?A : America is always fun touring but we love touring anywhereQ : Who would you like to tour with?A : THE UPCOMING JUDAS PRIEST REUNION ,
DISTURBED , SEVENDUST.Q : Who are some of the artists/albums you are listening
to these days and while I am on the subject,
who are some of the influences you guys have,
group and player/musician wise.A : Right now NEW groups I dig are DISTURBED ,
FUEL to name a few . As a guitar player my
influences over the years were GLEN TIPTON ( JUDAS PRIEST )
ZAKK WYLDE ( OZZY , BLACK LABEL SOCIETY )Q : And last but certainly not least,
what is in store for Holy Mother in the future,
not to mention are any of you guys working
on any side projects as well at the moment.A :No side projects in the works right now.
We are focusing on the new HOLY MOTHER CD
"AGORAPHOBIA" & playing show's in the USA
to support & promote the CD .
Some dates are SEPT 29TH with
Matt Kramer from SAIGON KICK &
OCT 12TH with THIN LIZZY featuring
JOHN SYKES on guitar .Q : Thank you so much for your time,
I look forward to hearing more music
from you guys in the future, which defiantly
looks bright for Holy Mother. Until the next time……A : Thanks so much it was a
pleasure to get to answer your questions …...Written by Hashman - 9/29/2003
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