Plastic Robot Army profile picture

Plastic Robot Army

i destr0y all the music you love

About Me

Mashing grindkore/digigrind with digital hardkore, Plastic Robot Army befriends and makes alliances with thrash guitars, break beats, drum machines, saves broken synths only to torture them into insane beepage. We have a Commodore 64 that Swedish hackers beat into a synth. And it makes noize. More than you're friend's big ass Korg Triton. I call him, "that evil beeping thing"
Oh and i remix anyone, i do mean, ANYONE. Emo Bands, hit me up and i'll make Legion of Doom's stuff look tame...

My Interests


Member Since: 3/7/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Will: Synth/programming/crazed poetry(AIM SN:Mighty Car Guru)
and if you're in the vicinity of me and a laptop that is working, i will take you hostage for song material.
Influences: Rabbit Junk, The Shizit, malfunctioning/broken synths, Atari Teenage Riot, Alec Empire, TRS-80,Knifehandchop, Aphex Twin, Polygon Window, Burroughs, Ginsberg, Jello Biafra, (early)KMFDM,Babyland,Neubaten, ohgr, skinny puppy, Front Line Assembly, Praga Khan, Lunatic Calm, Henry Rollins, Nitzer Ebb, Ministry,
Sounds Like: if robots ate digigrind, drank digital hardkore, smoked some industrial then took a good 2 ton shit. That metallic speckled choclate mudbaby would be our sound.
Record Label: Pi Rated Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

ghosts of today and tommorrow

really digging the new NIN album, the idea of making an album for free, and the realization that you dont have to have a real label to sell music is a very great feeling. though not all of us are goin...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 01:44:00 PST

knocking off rust just so you have something to huff

sorry i've been rather distant lately and havent wished many of you a happy birthdays. been very busy with school, nothing, and stuff. i'm going to be helping local death metal band, Overbeast. They'r...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 04:07:00 PST

Labor to Death

Been a busy robo bee here. i just finished a track with Psychokinetika, "What Do They Know", making the grand total of collaborative tracks with Psychokinetika and PRA to 3 (Pill Grinder and RE:Birth ...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 04:38:00 PST

living by death threats alone (and NEW COLLAB TRACK!)

through a collaboration of a local artist Psychokinetica , a new track surfaced on his page called "rebirth". i'm rather excited at the prospect of it becoming a more fruitful collaboration in the fut...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 02:59:00 PST

i killed all my heros (and i have bullets for my peers)

been thinking alot lately about heros, agining and such, so im just going to ramble for my own delight.i've been noticing my heros/influences recently just not cutting it anymore. The new skinny puppy...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 01:21:00 PST

cuz i know you didnt show up (6/2 show in review)

nobody came for us and that was saddening. Almost as saddening as being told by the other band, "um...dude, people are leaving". One of the few hip ppl took cros and me in with a pitcher of beer (and ...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:13:00 PST

Army Of Three becomes TwoU

Unfornately, Peter cant make it to the show Saturday (his appendix decided it was going to rebel against the might of PRA! A POX TO HIS APPENDIX! oh wait, its been removed, it's dead....), and he's be...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:28:00 PST

death to the fees

excuse me while i rant:I hate you banks. you charge fees on top of fees. excuberent fees. overdraft protection is a joke, it's almost never free unless you've got a preimum account, and if u have an a...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Wed, 30 May 2007 06:25:00 PST

death to the fees

excuse me while i rant:I hate you banks. you charge fees on top of fees. excuberent fees. overdraft protection is a joke, it's almost never free unless you've got a preimum account, and if u have an a...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Wed, 30 May 2007 06:25:00 PST

the robo buddha is watching(t-minus 12 days or so)

i've been thinking of how to describe what the set will be like. mainly so i have an image of what i want accomplished and what the hell i need to brag to ppl what it will be, so here's the single wor...
Posted by Plastic Robot Army on Tue, 22 May 2007 04:05:00 PST