i am interested in ACRO it's a sport. i love doing it and i am a level 8 this yeah. this is my second year doing acro so i am happy to have moved up SO fast. i was in gymnastics for 4 1/2 years and quit when i was a level 8 gymnast. i am still in tumbling and love it but sometimes it's kinda pointless b/c hardly any of the girls can tumble like me. i am a really good stroung tumbler and not many people in my gym can tumble as good as me. but i still love it. i also love music . i don't care what it is it depends on my mood at the time. i love shoping. i could shop all day if i wanted to and had the time too. lol well you'll have to im me for more see ya
i would love you meet all you sexy guys on here i love meeting new people and look forward to meeting all of you.
i have already said i love music i will listen to anything. country rap rock R&B hip hop i don't care as long as i am in the mood for it.
i LOVE movies!!!!!! all i ever watch on T.V. is movies i don't really care for all the shows and stuff just good movies. i will watch any moving once but i hate black and white movies but that about all i hate when it comes to movies. one thing i say to you is never judge a movie by it's color and the previews.. they lie. lol
i don't get to watchb T.V. a whole lot but like i said when i do i only watch movies. i love a good movie in the dark with a drink and someone i love i dont care who it is as long as i can sit and watch a movie with them without them talking and interupting or pausing if it a DVD or VIDEO to use the bathroom......one thing is i hate popcorn you can eat all you want but i don't like it that much so!!!!! lol
BOOKS!!!!!!!! yikes!!!!!!! i don't like to read books too much. i like going places and doing things with other people and friends. sorry all you book lovers but i hate them i would rather see the movie
My hero is my brother if you knew him he would be your hero too. i love him to dreath and i would do anything for him as well would he would for me. lol